Chapter 1) Arthit Met Darika

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Published on :- 22/4/20

Republished on :- 11/1/21



Their first meet ....

At The Hospital ( K . K CORPORATION )

Dr . Kashyap was written on the board . She read and barged into the room . She stood infront of him and was panting heavily . Sweats dropped were formed on her forehead .

Arthit was reading reports of his new patient but his concentration broke because of a petite frame girl  .

He looked at her and She stared at him for a minute . He was about to asked her about the matter but she cut him off

Doctor !! ... ,, She shouted softly but in panick tone

Yes !! ... ,, Arthit said and closed the medical file of his new patient

Are you a doctor ? ... ,, She asked and walked speedily and sat down at the seat Infront of him

I'm in my white coat sitting in my chamber , reading test reports then yeah I'm a doctor ... ,, He said irritatedly because that petite frame girl was Continuously staring at him

And secondly , she disturbed him at his leisure time without any appointment . .

Nurse came running and stood infront of Arthit . .

Arthit arched his eyebrows at the nurse who was too panick to open her mouth

What's wrong ? ..... ,, Arthit asked in his professionally cleaned tone

Sorry Doctor, I know it's your break time and I said this to her but she didn't even listened to me and marched into your room ... ,, Nurse said and glared at the petite frame girl

That girl furrowed deeply at the words of nurse and showed her tongue to the nurse .

Arthit watched them amusingly . He knew that All female medical staffs were fan of his good looks as well as his performances in medical field .

He cleared his throat and both women looked at him .

You can go now . I'll handle the matter ... ,, Arthit said to the nurse and she left his chamber but not before giving death glares to that girl

That girl mades weird faces and shrugged off her shoulder and craned her neck and gave her full attention to Arthit

Okay so miss What's your name ? ... ,, He asked and took a glass of water and started drinking

Daru !! ... ,, She said and he choked water in his throat

Whaaaaaat ? ... ,, He choked badly and asked confusedly

Daru ! .... ,, She said and looked up at the ceiling and then at Arthit

Sorry ! .... ,, Arthit asked again because he thought he heard Wrongly of her

Are you dumb doctor ? I said my name is Daru can't you hear at one time ? ... ,, She spatted angrily and flared up her pointed nose

Arthit clenched his fist and tighten his jaw . He stood up from his seat in a swift . She looked at him confusedly . In one long strides he stood near her seat and gripped her jaw tightly .

Talk properly Miss otherwise Today will be your last day .... ,, His beast was near to shreds her and his each words came out grittedly 

Arthit's hold tightened by his each words . She shivered and her eyes were wide and moistened . In a Blinked Arthit came back in his senses and left her jaw and sat back at his seat .

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