"You sure you'll be fine?" She asked, sounding hesitant. Taz nodded, before pointing his thumb at Nanook, miming putting on makeup, just like the girls he'd seen doing so in the halls and Pyro laughed. "Taz seems fine with it." She said, and Taz could see Cadence's fingers twitch against the steering wheel of the car. "I know you don't like my brother, but he's already a mess because of... well, you know, and Shiro told me that every day when they get back to the pack house, he passes out on the couch." Because of what? What hadn't Cadence told Taz? If it was a secret between Pyro and Cadence, Taz would let it go, because that was private, and he didn't want to pry.

"Are you absolutely sure, Taz?" Cadence asked, looking in the mirror briefly at a red light. Taz nodded firmly. "Don't blame me if I end up punching Mikael in the nose." Cadence grumbled, and Nanook squealed.

"Yes!" She cheered. "Should I ask Xena and Raven, still? Or will Mikael still be asleep?" Pyro tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"I've got an idea." Then, Pyro was texting, and Taz exchanged a curious glance with Nanook. Pyro gave instructions while Cadence drove, and Taz was awed when they pulled into the driveway. It was an absolutely massive house.

"We have thirty pack members." Nanook explained, as she tugged Taz's hand as they walked. Pyro was on Nanook's other side, and Cadence on Taz's left.

"It's a massive house." Cadence mused. "How the hell do you afford this?" Pyro shrugged.

"We've got a few doctors. We own this land, though." Pyro gestured to the wide expanse of space before the house. "Something about inheritance and old money. I slept through those lectures." Cadence snorted, and then paused as brown, tan and cream wolf darted across the lawn before them. The wolf paused, noticing the newcomers and stood up, ears flicking curiously. Then, the wolf's body tensed and it sped away, disappearing into the undergrowth.

"Was that..." Cadence began.

"That was Aspen." Nanook informed, scrunching her nose up. "I don't like him anymore anyways. He was mean to my best friend." She grinned, pointing up at Taz. "You're my best friend now." Taz blushed, and offered a shy smile. When they walked into the house, Taz felt Imp stir inside of him, wary of all the other canine presences that they could feel.

"Ma! We're home!" Pyro shouted, and moments later a beautiful woman came hurrying down the hall, enveloping Pyro in a hug.

"Welcome home, sweetie." She kissed Pyro's cheek, then Nanook's. "I'm Juno, the alpha female. It's very nice to meet you two." She offered Taz and Cadence a handshake, and paused, peering at Cadence more clearly. "Pyro, this is your boyfriend, right?" Pyro turned red, and Cadence did too.

"Yes, ma'am." Cadence said, heterochromatic eyes wide.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to threaten you to make sure you treat her properly. She speaks highly of you." Juno waved a hand, before looking at Taz, falling silent. "You're Taz, right?" Taz nodded. "The one who shifted the other week to stand up for his friend?" Taz nodded again, and she smiled. "Wow, your wolf's got a powerful presence. Even I can feel it." Taz blinked, tilting his head and Cadence jumped in.

"Taz doesn't really register Imp's presence, unless it stirs, or is about to come out." Cadence said. "Imp is its own being, really."

"Oh, that's fascinating! Would you mind talking with me about it one day?" Juno asked, looking genuinely curious. Taz nodded, but then gestured with his hands, and Juno shrugged. "We can get around it, not to worry. Now, I trust that Pyro and Nanook will show you both around. Feel free to explore!" Juno breezed out of the hallway, and there was a sudden racket coming from upstairs.

"Uh-oh." Nanook whispered.

"I forgot to mention the house is a little chaotic." Pyro deadpanned, dragging a hand down her face, before quickly grabbing Cadence's wrist and tugging. Nanook and Taz followed quickly, and they entered what seemed like the living room, and it was quiet, save for a sleeping figure on one of the couches. Pyro was showing Cadence the different picture frames on the walls, and with a jolt, Taz realized the sleeping figure was Mikael. He looked exhausted, dark bags beneath his eyes, and he looked even paler in the afternoon sunlight filtering into the room. Taz felt like he was frozen to the spot when he saw the wolf shifter. Mikael had looked fine the day after Imp came out, and Taz had only returned to school today, five days later.

Truly Ours ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon