Just friends

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"She still hasn't talked to you about the voicemail?" Eric asks otis while riding their bikes to school.
"No. And at this point i dont think she will. I'm just gonna have to deal with the fact she doesn't like me anymore." Otis replied.
"I'm sorry oatcake. Maybe things will work out for the best." Eric tried to reassure him.
They got to school a short time later and chained their bikes to the stands ready to enter the school day.
As otis got to his locker he noticed ruby a bit further down. Olivia and anwar weren't with her which was strange as they were always together. She seemed upset and otis thought it was only right to try to cheer her up.
"I'll see you later eric" otis called out as he made his way to ruby. He saw eric had already started walking off with adam anyway.
"Hey, are you alright?" Otis asked as he got to ruby.
"I'm fine otis, now go away before anyone sees me talking to you" ruby quickly turned to face her locker to hide herself from people.
"You can talk to me you know. I'm always here to listen." He gestured.
Ruby sighed and visibly let her guard down.
"It's my dad. His ms has gotten worse. He fell down the stairs last night and now he's in hospital." Ruby started to get teary eyed but quickly wiped them away nervous it would ruin her mascara.
"I'm so sorry ruby, if theres anything i can do to help just ask me okay?" Otis pulled her in for a quick hug to let her know he was there for her. even if she treated him bad in public, she was actually quite nice deep down.
"Okay so, pros of having isaac as your boyfriend" aimee started writing in her notebook while her and maeve walked down the corridor.
"He understands what I've been through better then anyone else." Maeve stated. "And he isn't complicated." She added.
Maeve wasn't really a fan of mind maps but she did it for aimee. She saw how invested her friend was in her love life and thought it was sweet.
"Pros of having otis as your boyfriend" aimee said next.
"He's funny and always there for me. We run the clinic together and...." maeve stopped talking when she saw ruby and otis together. She stopped in her tracks which made aimee confused until she saw what she was looking at.
"They could just be talking about sex advice?" Aimee tried to make things better for maeve. Suddenly otis pulled ruby in for a hug which visibly deflated maeve. He never hugged his clients. They were definitely more than friends.
"I'm gonna get to class, i have to talk to miss sands about something" maeve quickly mumbled and walked away in the opposite direction.

Maybe somedayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon