1. The New Kids

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"WHATUP BITCH" Cassie screamed into my ear as she jumped onto me.

"owwww you hoe bag" I expressed sarcastically punching her arm

"did you hear? There are two guys moving to this school today." 

I look at Cassie and pause for a second "Yeh, Chase says he knows them."

As we are walking to our lockers I notice Cassie looking around confused, so I look in the direction she's facing. I see a big crowd circling three boys, looks like they're fighting. OH MY GOD. It's Chase, I think the other two are the new kids . I run up to the centre of the circle trying to break up the fight.

"STOP, VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER," I yell pushing the two boys off of Chase.

"Why don't you tell your boyfriend that, he started it" says the boy with six slits in his eyebrows and slightly buffer than the other one. By now the crowd has disappeared.

"Okay 1 he's not my bf and 2 who are you?" I ask with a confused angry look on my face.

"I'm Bryce Hall and this is Josh Richards, it's our first day today" he says pointing to the little chopstick dude standing next to him.

"Alright then, well you two back off and stay the hell away!" I wasn't necessarily angry anymore, I just wanted to intimidate them.

First period has already started, but I can't stop thinking about this morning. Me saving Chase's ass and having a terrible first impression of Bryce and Josh, but they seem like total douche bags. I don't think I wanna get involved with them I'm always in enough trouble as it is y'know skipping class, giving teachers attitude, getting into fights. Yeh I know I said before "fighting is not the answer" but only when it comes to people fighting my friends.

"ALLY!!!!" The teacher screams my name. I seem to have zoned out while in my thoughts,       "huh" my head shoots up, everyone is looking and laughing.

"What is the answer Ally?" the teacher is staring at me looking disappointed.

"uhhhhh, titanium?" SHOOT, I just realised this is math not science, damn it.

"I'm sure that's an answer somewhere, but definitely not to this question."                                                                                            

*school is over*

I'm walking with Cassie to her car and I notice Chase talking to Bryce and Josh, did I really yell at them for no reason (I only yell and fight people if none of my best friends like them, because then I feel bad). 

"uhmmm, what's going on here?" I ask looking straight into Chase's eyes.

"I'm just saying bye to the boys." Chase looks back at them with a worried look as if he'd been caught.

"tHe BoYs??" I am so mad right now, they were literally fighting this morning! I storm off with rage, Cassie is running after me (kind of surprised me, she doesn't run for anyone). I get into her car waiting for her to catch up so I can go to her house.

"hey Ally, sorry but you can't come over today..." she looked kinda sad, so I won't argue with her about it (I come over like every day, it's my second home).

Stupid Dare // Bryce & Jaden POV (Slow Posting)Where stories live. Discover now