Chapter 6: New Life and Death

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It's been a year since Tord left. He's calling himself 'Red Leader' and his army the 'Red Army'. He's managed to take over most of Britain. Erik is now 7, in a few days he'll be 8. We are currently in the rebellion base hideout. Edd is the leader, I'm second in command and Matt is one of the top generals. Torm has a half broken leg from a bear trap he was caught in when we were scouting in the woods. It should be healed soon but it's still worrying. Edd, Matt and I are currently planning an attack on one of the smaller Red Army bases. "Tom, your soldiers will go to the back of the base. Matt you'll be on the left and I'll be on the right. No one will attack head-on because they'll be prepared for that the most." Edd sighs and lays his head on the desk. "Edd? You okay?" Matt asks and Edd raises his head. "Yeah. I'm just tired. I haven't had a good sleep in a year. They always seem to find our base no matter how hidden we are." Matt walks over to him and places his hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. You can turn in early tonight if you want. Me and my soldiers can take watch for tonight." Edd smiles at Matt and nods. "Thank you." Edd stands up and continues to explain the plan.

Time Skip

The attack was a success with only 2 casualties. We were about a mile from base when I saw Torm, running through the woods. His leg is healed I guess. I whistle and Torm immediately comes to me, scaring a few of the soldiers who have never seen him in this form. Torm crouched and I jumped on his back. One soldier came beside Torm and tried to pet him but he softly growled and the soldier retracted him arm.

Huge Time Skip

Erik is 17 now. Torm is fully grown. He's as big as a wolf even when he's not in guard dog form. "Dad? Are you in there?" Erik knocked on my door and entered. "Hey dad I have something to ask you." I look over at him from my bed. "Shoot." He fidgets with his fingers. "Can I go on missions with you?" I sit up and lean on my headboard. "If you want to but you'll be in the back and if shit hits the fan you run. Why do you want to go on missions?" Torm walks in behind Erik and jumps onto my bed. "I don't want to just sit here doing nothing but chores." His voice rose slightly. "Don't raise your voice at me. I understand that you're bored and I know you've been training with Edd but you haven't experienced how disgusting and bloody war actually is and I don't want you to have to go through it." He was about to protest but I interrupted him, "I'll tell you what, we can have a training session and if you can pin me then I'll let you do everything the big kids can, okay?" I get up from the bed and pat his head. He's still shorter than me but he'll have a growth spurt soon. "Fine. I gotta get back to the kitchen. Love you, See you later." He walked out of my room. "Love you too." I turned back towards Torm, who was sitting on my bed staring at me. "Wanna go for a ride?" He jumped off my bed, tail wagging. He crouched and let me on his back. "Let's go." He ran out of the room and out through the back door. Once we were outside he grew to his guard dog form which was about 10 feet off the ground. We ran through the forest for about 20 minutes until we were deep in the forest. I radioed Edd so he would know where I was. Torm ran around in circles for a minute before going to the small stream. I got off of him and he shrank. I patted his head and sat next to him. "It's a nice day today..." He barked and sat. We sat there for about an hour before a bear cub came up next to us. He wasn't small but he definitely wasn't full grown. Torm growled at it when it came closer to me and sniffed me. "Awe hey bud." I pet it's head and it laid next to me, falling asleep. I got up slowly and got onto Torm. "Let's go boy before its mom comes back." Torm launched off and we made it safely away from the cub before its mom came to find it. We ran for about 5 minutes before we came to a tree with a red mark on it. I recognized the familiar mark... The Red Army.... Tord.....I haven't thought about him in a long time....I kind of miss him.........I coughed......I coughed? Oh no... Oh no no no no. "Torm. Base." I felt an all too familiar knot in my throat and my lungs cramping. Torm grew to guard dog form and ran as fast as he could.

It was already too late.

I started the coughing fit. It hurt so much more than the ones from such a long time ago. The fit got worse quickly, I let go of Torm and fell off but he caught me before I hit the ground. He shrunk and sat next to me. I was on my hands and knees trying to push out the flower petals caught in my windpipe. A vine came out instead of flower petals and I couldn't breathe. We weren't too far from base so I ordered Torm to go to base but before anyone could come save me I blacked out.

And never woke up again.

Erik's POV

Edd told me Dad had gone into the woods with Torm about an hour or two ago. I was washing dishes as Torm ran into the Kitchen. I dried my hands off and crouched down to him. "What's wrong, boy? Where's dad?" Torm pulled on my sleeve and whined. He ran out of the kitchen with my sleeve still in his mouth. Once we reached outside he grew and crouched. I got on his back and he ran off into the woods. It took about 5 minutes before we reached dad. He was laying on the forest floor with vines coming out of his mouth. Torm shrunk and I jumped off him, running to dad's side. "Dad?" I shook him. He didn't move. He wasn't breathing and my vision started getting blurry. "Dad? Dad, please! Wake up!" I picked him up and ran towards base. Torm ran in front of me, crouching in big form again and I put Dad on and then I got on. When we made it to base, Edd was outside waiting. I jumped off Torm and ran to Edd. "Uncle Edd, he isn't breathing!" I placed dad into uncle's arms and we ran off to the nurse. "Jessica!" Uncle Edd shouted entering the room and laying Dad onto an empty bed. Jessica ran into the room and stood by dad. "He isn't breathing and obviously there's a vine in his throat." Uncle Edd stated as Jessica checked Dad's pulse. Her worried expression change to a sad one. "W-what?" My vision was blurry and I could feel tears welling up. "I-I'm sorry but he-he's gone." And the tears fell. I sat on the bed next to Dad and held his hand. "No, you can't be gone. I'm supposed to beat you in training and then you can see me in battle, right? You can't leave until you see me succeed. Dad please, don't leave me, don't leave me please-" Uncle Edd pulled me away from him and hugged me. He was crying as well. Torm got on the bed and laid on his chest, whining and licking his face. "He-he's really gone....." I pulled away from the hug and laid on the bed next to Dad and Torm and fell asleep crying.

Note: In this universe bodies don't rot but they do lose all of their functionality and usually get shot into space.

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