Grilled Cheese and Orchestra Talk

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It was hard for either of them to focus on daily tasks after the event that occurred the night before. Monika is shuffling around the kitchen trying to find a frying pan so she can make grilled cheese meanwhile Yuri is fidgeting with the TV remote mindlessly flipping through channels.

     Yuri looks at monika for a moment. How is she not thinking about it? i mean..she might be..she could be. I- no no. I couldn't. but...maybe i can distract myself from it.

"What's up?" Monika stops rumbling about the kitchen and focuses on yuri, resting her hands on the table and she sighs. "How are you feeling?" Yuri is fumbling with the remote more. "about..." Monika gives a knowing glance. Yuri's face just goes beet red, response is yes, then.  " was, a big step. And I liked taking that..step" Monika quickly gets flustered too, she thought she would be more comfortable talking about this subject.

     My normal confidence, it's all a mask and yuri is just able to take that mask off so easily. Make me act in a way she isn't used to, her normal personality... God this woman is-

"You know what, we haven't even seen Natsu and Sayo in a while, it feels wrong" Yuri quickly spits out obviously trying to change the subject, ripping Monika from her thoughts.
"Oh yeah I wonder.." Monika gets a pan and the bread and cheese. She quickly whips up two sandwiches, literally perfectly. she's been doing it since she was small. "I bet i could do this in my sleep" She whispers quietly to herself as she plates their meals. "oh yeah?"

     Yuri has a perplexed facial expression with a smile. "You're very random. has anyone told you?"  "Yeah.. you." Monika gives a chortle. "since we were babies"  Yuri shakes her head. "Well..Sometimes i just don't understand half of the things you say, you're quite..fanatical"
"fanatical is one word to describe me you think?" Monika walks over and sets down the grilled cheese on the table. Yuri pauses as if discarding that part of the conversation as she takes a small neat bite of her sandwich. "You should pick up violin" Monika looks at her after that. "Vio- wait see now that was random" Yuri covers her mouth with her wrist as she raises her eyebrows. "It's just..well it's been on my mind." She swallows her bite as monika taps her chin as if to think about it, Yuri resumes after whipping her mouth. "You'd be exceptional at it, i do believe"

    Monika shrugs and quickly eats her sandwich. "Well maybe, there is a few orchestras in town, i could go to one to try and join..or whatever. i don't really know how exactly it works."  Yuri nods quickly, seeming to enjoy the thought of that. "i'd love to see you playing on a stage that isn't our school...all dressed up in a beautiful gown..or suit. you look good in both." "I do?" "Well sure you do, don't you remember prom? You wore your father's white suit!" "Daddy's suit! Cayden and his friends threw punch on it , i got in a fight in the bathroom, then we both fell in the park fountain! I totally stained it all up." Both yuri and Monika begin to laugh, reminiscing on that moment. "I still don't know if he ever truly forgave me for prom" Monika smiles, eating more. "I'm sure he did, well..then again, it was his wedding suit" "Oh god, yeah."

    "If i could get in an orchestra and play my piano. I'm sure i'd make enough money for the both of us." Monika takes their plates to the dishwasher "You know i've been playing and i'm getting pretty good~" she jokingly says but yuri seemingly serious, Nods "You could Monika. You're quite amazing at it."

    Moni comes back over and kisses yuri on the top of the head affectionately. "well maybe i could just teach you and we could play together" "...I seriously doubt that i would be able to do that" Yuri says softly. "Mm" Monika doesn't reply and kisses her head again, smiling genuinely . "All it takes is a lotta practice and a little bit of love"

More than Friends? [Yuri x Monika]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें