Chapter 7: The President's Birthday Part 2

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   As Natsuki and Yuri got into a hissy-fit in the kitchen, Monika was sitting at her desk fidgeting with the pens in front of her. She figured this was going to be just another birthday. Another day that everyone would forget. What she did not know is that everyone in the household had a little something planned up their sleeves for her. They knew about her bad childhood and came together, (in secret, which was Sayori's idea of course) and came up with a plan to make this very day, the best day ever.
   Now Monika, she was as gloomy as usual, but getting moodier by the minute. Her parents had not called. Her own little sister couldn't even be bothered to call. She figures they probably forgot like always.

•Monika P.O.V•

   I hate birthdays, and when it comes to my own there's no question about it. Ever since I was 7 no one has come to my birthday parties. So at 11, I stopped having them altogether. My family has never even gotten me a present for my birthday, well at least for as long as I could remember. It's just the dark truth. Just because I'm so called popular doesn't mean I'm perfect, or my family is for that matter. I love them but I can't stand them. They're pretty much horrible to me and I don't know why. They treat my sister like God himself. She feels sympathy but that doesn't change a thing.
Anyways, I hate birthdays, they're just depressing. I tap my pen on my desk when Sayori grabs my shoulders and I almost jump out of my skin.
"MONIKAAAAA!!!!!!" Sayori practically squeezes me to death. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESIDENT!!"
"S-Sayori!!! I can't breathe!!" I yelp as she practically chokes me. She quickly hops off and laughs nervously.
"Ehehe...sorry miss President.." Sayori taps her fingers together and looks away. I don't like how she called me Miss President, but I can't help but forgive her. She may be manipulative but she's does it in such an innocent way, you just can't help but love her.
"It's okay Sayo...just be careful next time, you're getting quite strong!" She hops and her smile lights up the whole room. "I've been practicing by Play fighting with Natsuki!" She beams with pride.
Oh. Not what I expected, but sure. "Well, anyways, I got you milk." Sayori says but at that moment, the door flies open and Natsuki was standing there eyeing Sayori like an eagle. Sayori looked scared out of her wits. That whole "beating up Natsuki" thing would be interesting to watch if this is the case.
Without a word, Sayori was dragged out of the room. Natsuki is acting extra strict today. Weird. It can't be related to my birthday, right? Well, they all did order me to stay in my room, and only an idiot couldn't figure out why.
I hear mumbling and I assume It's just Natsuki being Natsuki. Normally I would care, but today is another "eh" day. I'm only thing I'm really looking forward to is the end of the day when I get to go to bed with my sweet Yuri. Her hair is always so soft and smells like rosebuds..she holds me so tight and rubs my back. I really do feel loved around her..
   Anyways, I could say I'm curious for what they have planned for me today. My interest is definitely peaked. I hope they don't make a big deal out of it or anything
cause that would make me feel so embarrassed.
Yuri P.O.V.

Today is Monika's special day. And I'm going to make it extra special! While Natsuki, Sayori, and Mc are baking he cake and setting up the table, I'm going to go drive to the store to get some flowers, a card, and of course a jar of pickles. Not sure why, but she loves them.
   As I'm driving by, It starts to rain. Kind of a gloomy mood setter. I wonder how the rain makes Monika feel. That might be a nice conversation starter.
  I arrive at the store, my clothes, hair, and skin damp from the melancholy rain. I've got my money, now all I need to do is pick out the items.
   I start to drive home, determined I'm going to make My girlfriend smile. You can do this Yuri! Ah..maybe.
  I walk into dictator Natsuki screaming at Mc and Sayori to do this and that. Kind of loud, the sudden transfer from quiet to mayhem almost makes my ears ring.
  I set the card down and write a special little note on it for her. It's going to be time for her to come out pretty soon! I'm so excited...!

-time skip-

No P.O.V.

The girls and MC gather round' the cake and Natsuki lights a candle in the shape of the number 19. They start singing and Monika gets all flustered up.

"Thank you guys..this is like..the fucking best.." she giggles

The other girls reposing in hugs and laughter, while Mc quietly nods to her.
She opens her card, and sweet little notes fill the page, but one in particular catches her eye. It's from Yuri.

"hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so happy we met, I wouldn't change you for the world, keep being you <3

Monika blushes a bright shade of pink and tackles yuri onto the couch giggling and kissing her neck.

The Squad ends the night by eating cake, laughing and watching Monika's favorite Movies. The best Birthday ever.

More than Friends? [Yuri x Monika]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें