Ch. 1 : Friends..?

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Yuri POV:

Me and Monika have been friends since like...forever. You see, our parents..have been friends pretty much all of their lives. Long story short, they had us at the same time. We lived next to each other our whole lives, therefore, we were forced to be best friends.

My mom, dad, and I would walk next door to Monika's house all the time. They would let me and Monika play all day together. I was never..shy around her, everything was always natural. We'd play with dolls, I'd tend to rip their heads off, Monika never got upset with me though, she just smiled. As we got older, We'd play video games together. That was tons of fun. Soon we entered our teenage years. Our parents expected us to slowly drift away from each other and talk less, but the whole emotional ride brought us closer as friends. It made me second guess that I was friends with her.. maybe more... it was like this for almost 18 years..

I always felt that she was the only person I could open up to, not even my parents.
She was always there for me..

But our entire routine completely changed as we reached high school. She became the most popular girl in the school and she had so much to do, she never had any more time for me.

I could no longer open up to anyone. I had these horrible feelings trapped inside of me like a lion trying to escape from its cage. The fact that she couldn't be there for me, it only made it so much worse. It drove me to self harm.. which.. no one knew I did, I was able to hide it extremely well.

The few times I'd get to see Monika, she was either stressed or crying and she needed me to help her.. I'm sure she would have helped me if I told her that I had problems too, but I'm too much of a wussy to open up anymore.

It was just a few months ago, that I got to sit down with her at her house and hang out.. I don't know why but my heart pounded when I was near her, I was..shy and timid. I stuttered every time I spoke. I knew that she noticed but she never said anything. I distinctly remember I was trying to grab a pen to start writing and she tried to grab it at the same time.

Our hands touched

I remember my face went blood red and all I could do was say sorry. She didn't understand why it was such a big deal but she still tried to comfort me.

Why was my face so red..?
Is it possible I was blushing..?
Could I..?
No I can't. She's my friend. Nothing more.

She started to talk to me about starting a club. She said she had an interest in literature. I thought she was on the debate team. Guess she quit.

She asked me if I would like to join if she did try to make the club.

All I did was stare. I..Monika..? To HER club?

But I'm not anyone..I don't matter..why me?

I said yes anyways

I never knew that spending everyday after school with her would make a change in our relationship..
Maybe she doesn't realize it yet..

But it sure is changing...

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