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stella was exausted

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stella was exausted. she was juggling school work, the quidditch team  and was going through one of the longest insomnia spell she has had in a long time. she had long struggled with insomnia and had thought she had beaten it last year. but with some stress it seemed to have escaped from the cage she had locked it in.

another night of long insomnia had taken it out of stella. she was sat with blaise and theo in the great hall her head resting on her hand digging at her porridge.

"is everything alright?" asked blaise, "because this is the time at which you make all your jokes. and you haven't made any so far and i'm getting worried."

"ha ha. you are hilarious." said stella sarcatically.

"no but really stella, is it your insomnia again?" asked theo.

"what do you think genius?" answered stella.

"alrighty you need to see madam pomfrey."

"no i don't, now please drop it." she said finishing her porridge.

"fine. are you ready to go?" asked theo looking at blaise and stella.

"yeah i am." said blaise stuffing some toast in his mouth.

"me too." said stella pushing away her near empty bowl away from her.

they walked out of the great hall and went to get their books from the slytherin dungeons. stella left the boys and headed divination to her great demise. there she found pansy parkinson and sat next to her.

"parkinson." she said acknowledging the girl.


"i still don't understand why i picked this class." complained stella.

"because i begged you and you needed to shut me up."

"oh yeah that's right. thanks for the reminder." she suddenly stopped talking as professor firenze  walked in. she had ended numerous times in detention because she had defied professor's firenze demand to stop talking.

that class bored stella out of her mind and she had made the decision to go to the infirmary to get out of that class.

"professor firenze," said stella interrupting the lesson twenty minutes in, "i'm sorry but i really am not feeling very well."

"fine stella. you may go." said firenze exasperated.

"should i take my stuff with me?" asked stella.

"do you know how long you will be? normal headache?"

"no i don't, i just really don't feel well. "

"fine take everything. miss parkinson will give you the homework later. i hope you feel better soon. i will see you in our next class."

"goodbye professor." she said in a flirtatious voice that made everyone in the class laugh. 

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