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stella was happy for draco

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stella was happy for draco. it's not everyday you meet the love of your life especially in those times she fought reflecting on his words in her bed. although now she wasn't tired. in her green silk pyjamas she put on a jacket and her slippers and left her dormitory.

since she had been back at school she had been unable to sleep very much so her walks through the castle were becoming frequent. the slytherin common room was empty and quiet.

she walked out and headed where she thought she should. which was anywhere but her bed.

stella walked song the corridors her wand lighting the way. before she knew it she was already by the prefect bathroom. she looked at her watch: 1:25am. she needed to get back to bed otherwise she would not be able to get up in the morning.

stella had not realised that the door to the bathroom had opened and that a red head boy was following her.

as she moved through the corridor she felt a presence loom behind her. she turned around her instincts getting the better of her and punched the scum following her.

"what the fuck avery?" said ron clutching his nose.
"what the fuck weasley. why were you following me at 1.30 am?" asked stella annoyed.
"i was taking a bath in the prefect bathroom. what about you?"
"i was taking a walk sorry if that's not allowed."
"by merlin i didn't say that! your allowed to do whatever the fuck it is you want."
"good. then i guess i'll see you in potions." she said walking away.

ron weasley stood there confused. he didn't understand what had just happened. since one did one get punched in the face for walking behind someone?


despite not feeling tired, stella slept perfectly when she got back to her bed waking up perfectly in time to go have some quiet breakfast.

she got up, made sure she wouldn't wake anyone up and headed into the bathroom.

she cleaned herself up, hair, face ect and headed to the common room to find it dimly lit as she had left it a few hours earlier. draco came through the boys dorms a few minutes later.

"morning." she said as he walked in.
"ugh hi stella. you know this quidditch thing is giving quite the headache."
"well what can we do about it? huh?" shrugged stella.
"c'mon your co-captain of this team too. please help me."

stella swinged her legs from the sofa with a malicious smile on her face, "well look at that draco malfoy is begging."

"go to hell stella." he said standing up.
"fine. i'm sorry," acknowledged stella, "can you go see if zabini or theo is up?"
"your a pain in the ass avery! no, i'm not your slave. you are my best friend but go see for yourself i'm not an elf." he said and then he disappeared through the dungeons.

girls weren't allowed in the boys dormitory for all the obvious reasons and she didn't feel like waiting. hoping to catch draco she rushed out the common room. upon realising we wasn't here stella made her way silently to the great hall. she didn't mind the loneliness. but she liked the company of theo and blaise.

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