13 ... Only to Find What You Seek Without Effort 2/2

Start from the beginning

I pondered. "A permanent place doing what?"

"Whatever you want the majority of the time. Eat, drink, sleep. Use the throne's money. When I have a task for you, something I think you'll find interesting, I'll ask you."

I thought it over for a moment. "A strange request...it does sound entertaining though... Fine! I accept. I will keep your niece unattached all summer. In exchange, I expect you to continue paying the salary you are already paying me—"

"Which is?"

"Ten Gold a week." Sanli whistled. "And room and board. At Chuanfang. I don't wish to travel there and back every day."

"Fine," Sanli held out a hand. "Shall we shake on it?"

I placed my hand in his own. "Zakhar would approve."


We talked a while longer. Sanli was very impressed to hear how I had managed to forge his handwriting and acquire a replica of his seal in order to fool his steward. I in turn, was very amused to hear that he had gone as far as making up stomach complaints to trick Kageyama into taking more time on their way back to Zhanghai.

It was late afternoon when the Prince payed for the room, though we had done little in it than sit and drink tea, and escorted me back down to the courtyard at rear of the inn.

Little Light was waiting for us, along with one of the two guards. Sanli took the reins from the guard and threw them over his horse's head before pulling himself into the saddle. He then turned and offered his hand to me.

"You know I prefer to walk," I said.

"I cannot ride while a lady walks. Would you prefer to ride Little Light alone?" I shook my head. The skittish horse had disliked me from the moment we had met, so I knew that would be impossible.

"Then ride with me. I insist," said Sanli, hand out. He smiled persuasively, his dark green eyes handsome in the afternoon sun.

I was surprised by the prince's persistence. He had never insisted before, and we had travelled li upon li together. He had been perfectly happy then to offer, and after my refusal, allow me to walk, in wind or rain or whatever element we had been traveling in at the time.

And suddenly I realized his plan. Why he had pretended not to know who I was. Why he was withholding knowledge from me and was treating me as he might any pretty girl he had interest in.

"My prince, are you trying to seduce me?" I asked, tone mocking.

He only smiled wider.

I laughed, taking his hand and allowing him to pull me up into the saddle in front of him. Sitting sideways, so my legs and the long train of my skirt fell to one side, I settled against him, his chest surprisingly firm beside me. Little Light whickered unhappily beneath us.

"You're ten thousand years too early to try and seduce ME, Little Prince" I said softly, smiling to myself.

Sanli took the reins, arms stretching on either side of me, and nudged Little Light into a gentle walk.

As he did, he leaned down and spoke into my ear, his breath causing my hair to waver.

"I never turn down a challenge."


When we arrived back at Chuanfang, the courtyard was filled with men on horses. The black uniforms and green cloaks gave them away. Soldiers.

Sanli cursed under his breath, and helped me dismount. A groom came and took Little Light, and we started toward the group.

The soldiers were in formation, grouped carefully around a rider in the middle on a magnificent dark chestnut horse. From where we stood, I could not see the man's face, only his head and back. He was dressed in a soldier's uniform as well, but of a superior tailoring and material. Instead of the moss green cloaks of the other soldiers, this man wore a pale green sash across his chest and back.

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