Chapter 8) Burning Soul

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Published on :- 22/4/20



When Daniel left her alone in her room . She cleaned herself and went on a mission .

Mission to open the secret room .

So , Maria was on detective mode and trying hard to open the secret room but nothing works . She bend the spoons , butter knife and fork and tried thousands time but hard luck . She banged the door in frustration but soon something clicked in her mind and she smirked evilly and used her hair clip and after trying few rounds , she heard clicked sound . She jumped out in happiness and success .

Mission Accomplished ..... ,, She said to herself and pulled her collars up in self appreciations . She turned the knob of the door and about to entered into the secret room but her smile dropped from her face because of cold voice .

What Are You Doing Here ? .... ,, He asked in his hoarse voice and She gulped down nervously and Her hands trembled . She turned around to meet the cold eyes same as his Master .

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( Meet Carlos , First in command and most trusted man of Daniel

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( Meet Carlos , First in command and most trusted man of Daniel .)

She smiled awkwardly at him and waved her hands .

H . Hey . Yaa  Ca . Car . Carlos How are you Brother ? ..... ,, She stuttered badly and face palmed herself for the awakwardness she created because of her stupidities . He smiled softly at her . His smile screamed and declared that he caughted her red handed . He closed the door of room and She bit her lips in nervousness .

She sighed loudly and closed her in embarrassment . She shook her head and looked up at him . He was too tall just like his master .

Don't say anything to him .... ,, She said and rubbed her neck because it started aching because of continuously looking at him

Master knows .... ,, He said and made a poker face . Maria gasped loudly .

Huh He . He K . Knows  ? ... ,, She was not able to form words

Demon's CAGED Love (#4 in FGP Series) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang