Chapter 7) True Face Of DEMON

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Published on :- 21/4/20



Daniel heart was beating abnormally high because She was there with him . He wasn't alone like his past life . His Snow White was with him in his Castle . His Snow White was there with him and will forever be with him . A Sexiest , very sensual small pleasuring smile was appeared on his lips . She was Infront of him yet his thoughts were full of her . His gazes landed on her plate and saw how less she ate . He observed her body that was so thin and bones were peaking out of her skins . He hold her petite frame whole night in his arms . She fitted perfectly in him . But He knew she was underweight because Whenever he carried her in his arms , she felt like a feather . He got worried about her health and suddenly put extra food in her plate that causes her to rolled her eyes at his extra over-diabetic gestures .

Stop rolling your eyes on me Snow White ... ,, Daniel said in hard tone and She stopped eating and glared at him with the same intensity as his

Why ? And who are you to stop me ? Huh ? What are you ? ... ,, She said grittedly and clutched the fork tightly that pierced her soft silky skin . Blood oozed from her skin but she did not hissed because she didn't felt pain .

Pain of her heart was big enough to felt any other pain of her body . She was staring at him . Their eyes were locked at each other . Daniel knew that he had to explain to her that , Why he used her wedding as an escape . Escape from His Elders .

Snow White ! ! We will talk later firstly finish your food .... ,, Danny said but she shook her head . One week , from one week she was trying to found a moment to burst at him . This was the moment for her to knew about his mind games .

Why did you made me a cheater Infront of my own family ? .... ,, She screamed at him and threw spoons , forks and napkins at him . She ran away from him when she saw him stood up from his seat . She ran into the room which she was using from past one week with him . Yes with him . He forced her to share bed with him . He clutched her body so tightly in night that made her suffocated . She fought with him few times and locked herself in bathroom also but nothing worked on him . He broked the lock of the bathroom and scooped her in his long Muscular arms . She was silent from past one week in the hope that he'll clarify his actions to her but he behaved normally like nothing happened . But that was enough of her patience She wanted answers from him for his actions .

Actions which ruined her respect !!

Her family and also her Future !!

Future with the boy she liked the most but didn't even for a minute she thought of him .

He made her culprit for the deeds she never did .

Maria was standing by the support of wall . She was feeling suffocated and dizzy . Her body was weak and nervousness were making her heart to thud loudly . Tears were making their ways from her eyes to cheeks . Her vision got blurry .

How Dare You !! ... ,, He voice boomed in the whole Miller Castle . She jumped in fear . His eyes held anger and obsession . He took threatening steps towards her . She was scared because of the negative aura were coming from him . She gulped down nervously . A wave of pit formed in her stomach . She felt nauseating and wanted to threw up when his overpowerful dominating personality came too close to her .

He pushed her body more into the wall with his toned body . His chest pressed her soft bosom . His hot breathing were fanning her face . She was Blinking very fastly . Sweat covered her body and heart accelerated their beats . He was too closed to her likings . He invand her privacy . She tried to pushed him away from her body but he was hell stronger than her . His eyes occupied her eyes and he started to nudged her cheeks , jaws and collerbone with his sharp pointed nose . Her breathing were laboured but he didn't stopped and continued to play with her .

Demon's CAGED Love (#4 in FGP Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now