"Hey man," Thane says as he raises his hands in mock surrender. "She's going to kill you by herself, I'm under strict orders not to interfere."

The rogue turns back towards me, his face twisting in confusion. "You're like 5 feet tall. I could flick you and you'd fly a hundred feet, at least."

I just laugh, and throw the knife I summoned so that it sinks deeply into a nearby tree.

"I didn't say she had good aim," Thane shrugged, looking bored, although I could see the predatory glint in his eyes. He liked playing with his prey, just as much, if not more than I do.

The rogue snarls and attempts to jump at Thane, but he flicked his wrist and a white fog formed a wall, which the rogue crashed into.

"Ah, ah, ah," Thane chided the man. "I said ladies first. Don't be impolite."

I laugh, and the rogue growled, but turned to face me instead of Thane. Thane dissolves the makeshift wall.

He stalked towards me, and threw a punch at me, hard. I easily dodge him, but don't make any offensive moves myself. It was much more entertaining to watch him tire himself out.

He threw more punches, kicks, all which I dodged without breaking a sweat while his approaches got increasingly slower and less accurate.

"Come on, Ares, I'm bored," Thane called out. "Just finish him so I can get one for myself."

Your wish is my command, Alpha, I sarcastically respond, and shoot my arm out and catch his fist with my hand.

He struggles to get out of my grip, but he was no match for me. "What the hell are you?" He muttered, and I crush his hand, a recent favorite move of mine.

He howls, and I shove him to the ground and kick his femur, shattering it instantly. I pull the knife out from my cloak.

You brought the knife hunting? Thane asks, his eyes rolling.

I shrug. What, was I supposed to use it to make sandwiches?

The rogue yells, and I shush him. I take the knife and hold it to his throat before slashing it, killing him instantly.

Blood coated the blade, and eventually dripped down to the stones. I was watching it, entranced, when Thane pulled me out of it.

"What, are you surprised it kills like a normal knife?" Thane asked sarcastically as he walked over to me. I uncrouched from my position on the ground, and cleaned the blade off.

I shrugged. For all the fuss about the knife, it really doesn't seem that special to me.

Thane snorted, "I'm sorry that the knife isn't magical enough for you, Ares," He paused, looking at my face. "You have a little blood, here, I'll get it," and he used his hand to wipe the blood from my cheekbone.

Instantly, as his palm touched my face, I felt a small, almost unnoticeable zap of electricity. "Ah!" I cried out and jumped backwards. Even Thane looked a little shocked.

Did you feel that? I asked Thane, who nodded in confusion. That wasn't one of your little magic tricks?

Thane shook his head. "It must just be static... or something."

I nodded my head, mystified, and put the dagger back into my cloak.

We kept trekking through the woods, taking turns killing the rogues we found. Thane didn't attempt to touch me again, nor me him.

"Come on, lets head back to the Pack House," Thane said, turning back the way we came.

Bored of killing already? Are you turning soft on me, Thane? I joke in accusation.

"Actually, you have something way more torturous waiting for you at the Pack House," Thane said, the corner of his mouth turned up in amusement.

I raise my eyebrow. Oh, and what's that?

Thane laughed as he said, "Gwen wants to go shopping with you and Nyx."

I groan. God, I'd rather be fed to the wolves.

Lethal✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz