Adam's POV:

I had found out that Stana was in hospital as i was a next of kin and because we were married well she thought we got an annulment, I never signed the papers. I found out that she was at Mount Sinai Hospital, I arrive and walked into her room to see a guy asleep, he woke up and was shocked to see me. Then he starts saying how i will be kicked out of her, I saw her left hand burnt and bandaged. She was so peaceful but she wasn't going to be so peaceful when she hears I am alive and I want her back in my life.

I sat down on the chair on the other side of the bed I was getting weird looks from this guy when another one came into the room he had short brown hair and moustache, he spoke as he saw me "Dan mate I've spoken to the label and they are going to postpone the concert" he said before looking over at me. Then he came over and introduced himself. "Hey I am Kyle who would you might be?" He said now wanting to know who I was and why I was here. "Im Stanas husband Adam" I said with a smirk., This Kyle guy was now shocked after I said my name. I then thought what lies has my dear Stana been telling these idiots..  All that mattered was having my wife back and I will not stop at anything to get her... I tohught as I kicked back and waited for Stana to wake up..

Dan's POV:

I was starting at Adam I thought he was dead? I mean that's what Stana told us. Was she hiding this from us? What can I beleive now from her? I kept worrying about it all and I shouldnt judge her as she can't speak for herself. I mean this tool could be anything and I will make sure that he doesn't get his hanfds on Stana.
I needed a stretch and I didn't want to leave her so I got Kyle to take over my space and went outside and lit a smoke, I only smoke when I am stressed or after gigs. I then thought I need to get info on this guy. So I rang my cousin Sebastian who is a private detective. I gave him the photo that I took when he first arrived in the hospital room. I now will have to wait for him to give me information on this guy.
Walking back after finishing my smoke, I see Woody he nods and then I walk in to see Kyle he was on his phone when Woody, Will and Charlie walks in. The nurses take her ive fluids and bloods. We now just have to wait for her to wake up.

A few hours later I was replying to the fans and letting them know how she was when I see her hand move. She then flutters her eyes open.

Stana's POV:

I could hear talking and noises I could feel my body and my left hand hurt. I then moved my hand and the next thing I remembered is waking up. I was told to calm down as I had a tube in my throat, I coughed and the nurses took away the tube. I was told to keep a mask on me and that I will be able to go home in a few days.
I was now overcome with happiness as I saw my boys.. I know 5 grown men aren't really my boys but they are family to me. Then I see Dans face he was looking annoyed.. I then spoke softly "Hey how long was I out for?" I sad now looking to my right when I see Dan point to my left I looked over and saw him.. he was supposed to be dead? How.. I started to get angry and thrash about as I had been bullied by him for too long.


"But baby I thought you would want to see me?" Adam said now smirking..

"GET OUT... NOW.." I said now crying I see him walk out of my room but he stops and then says

"Oh baby by the way... WERE STILL MARRIED!!" He said with a evil laugh and walked out of my room..

I was shaken and Dan held me as Woody, Will, Kyle and Charlie all gathered around me.. how was Adam alive? I neded to find out..

Let me know if i should keep going??

2 chapters left

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