Stanas POV

The night in Philly had gone off without a hiccup and it was the best feeling for Stana. After getting all of their gear into the bus it was back on the road for New Jersey. It was an hour and a bit bus ride so it was a chance for Stana to make her rounds and tell the guys what is going to be happening. After rustling them all up and getting them to focus just for five minutes they all had their eyes on her. Now clearing her throat Stana then spoke "okay guys i know you want to get back to fun and games but i have some important things. First once we arrive it's in the venue for sound check and meet and greets, then it's off for a radio interview." They all nodded when she handed them a piece of paper with the schedule. Feeling like she's in a fifth grade class Stana wanted to keep the guys in check. After the so called meeting, Stana headed into her bunk for a nap she needed on after all the jet lag was hitting hard. Hitting her head on the pillow Stana was in a dream well nightmare as you would call it. Stana was dreaming that she was held down with weights and that she could see someone inject her with some drug. She screamed but nothing was happening feeling scared and alone she felt the pain of a knife into her stomach after screaming out in pain Stana was awoken by Woody who heard her scream. "Hey lass it's okay, you were having a bad dream. Did Dan's pick of films scare you?" He said smiling. Stana got up and headed to get some water. Shaking her head she informed Woody that "it was from the jet lag." He nodded and gave her a smile as she sat down next to Kyle who was playing Uno with Charlie. They saw her and added her into the game. Stana sighed and thought if they only knew what she had been through.
They arrived at the gig Stana getting out and making sure they were ready for the gig.  After all the guys were inside she assessed the area and made sure things were ready. after soundcheck had finished and the guys were heading into the backstage area Stana headed back to the bus for a little nap hoping that this time she didnt have a bad dream again.Waking up and seeing it was half past five, Stana headed into the venue for tonights gig. After all the fans had lined up it was now show time.
Finishing the night on a high. Dan, Kyle, Will, Woody and Charlie all headed into the backstage area for some drinks. Smiling from ear to ear Stana sat inbetween Kyle and Will, grabbing a drink off Charlie they all toasted to a great night. Drinking and feeling happier she smiled at the five men and crew who had made her dreams come true.

The next day they were all off to MSG for the next two nights instead of being in a bus they were able to have a proper bed and shower. Stana made sure there was at least three rooms. They confirmed and it was all go ahead. After arriving into the hotel room and the guys going to do sight seeing, Stana wanted a nice warm shower. Heading into the bathroom she was getting undressed when she heard her door open. Putting on a robe and to her shock it was Dan. "I am so sorry Stana i thought this was my room." Dan now not even looking at her. "It's okay Dan, they must of given you the wrong key." Stana headed to the table and got the other key for him, blushing red Stana smiled back and Dan closed the door behind him. Stana headed into the shower and let the water run over her. In her own world and escaping from it all she was happy but that was short lived when she felt hands on her opening her eyes and turning off the water she put the towel and robe around her. Checking the room and seeing it was only her she headed to get changed. Her memories of what had happened to her came flooding back, seeing the scar on her right side where they took her kidney out. She shook her head and jumped into bed. Turning on the tv all Stana wanted to was just hope that no one knows her dark secret.

After falling asleep and waking up to see the guys in her room eating and talking Stana got up and headed to sit at the table. Seeing they ordered for her she smiled and "thanked" them for the meal they all nodded. It was a fun night of drinking and telling stories Stana was overjoyed with laughter and it hurt her face and stomach. Heading off to the bathroom to use the toilet she was in her own world when she saw in the mirror it was Adam he was looking at her, she shut her eyes and saw it was just her. Feeling like everything was falling apart she washed her face in the sink to stop the memories of him that were to surly come flooding back. After heading out and not letting the guys know she was having a hard time Stana headed back down to the table to finish off the converstaion for the night. After they all had left and it was just her she hoped that a goodnights sleep would help but it was the last thing she could do. So she grabbed her laptop and typed in Adams name. Stana then saw the article of how he was killed in a gang violence and that they burned him alive. Feeling relived she shut the laptop off and tried for a nights sleep.
The next morning she was awoken by the guys who headed in and asked what are they are doing today. Stana informed them after getting a coffee into her that they will have four radio interviews and then it was all fun and games for the next gig that they had coming up.
They all headed out into radio interview after radio interviews and it was now the last one all of them were still hung over from the night before Dan especially as he had now lost his voice after signing a high note for one of the callers Stana headed to get some tea for him as this was the last thing they needed, heading out of the interview after it had finished Dan and Stana headed to the hotel, Dan was seen by a doctor and told to rest his voice for at least 24 hours as they dont want to make it worse. Following the doctors orders Stana rang and told the guys the bad news and that they can still go sight seeing but still have fun. Now it was up to Stana to make sure that Dan wasn't going to talk and that was going to be the tricky part.

Hey there will be a flashback to Stanas past let me know if you guys want to hear it? It's dark and will be graphic

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