nine - 'a sight to see'

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When the day came for Squad Twelve's new captain to be inaugurated, Shuriken found herself by the side of her lieutenant as they awaited the arrival of all who would be present for the ceremony. Most captains and lieutenants would be making their way to the First to witness the event, and for many, it would be their first time meeting the man that the Second captain, Shihoin Yoruichi, had recommended personally for the role.

"So, did you get a chance to meet this guy after his captain's exam?" Shuriken asked from her lax position against the door of her office. "The old man didn't really tell me much about him, just that he's the most fitting candidate. It didn't seem like he had any doubts."

"Yes, I met him," Sasakibe nodded. He stood across from her, with his arms folded across his chest and resting in the sleeves of his shihakuso. "The Head Captain believes in him, so I mimic his sentiment."

Shuriken gave a short laugh. "Is that a polite way of saying you don't like the guy?" The glare that Sasakibe sent her through his pupil-less eyes confirmed Shuriken's suspisions.

"I've not spent enough time with him to form a concrete opinion. It would be unfair to say that I like or dislike Captain Urahara when I barely know him," Sasakibe shook his head. "I am sure that he will do a fine job, though, otherwise he wouldn't have received such a promotion."

"Fair enough. I guess you've got a point there," Shuriken said. Her curiosity had reached a peak, mainly due to the lack of information she had been given. She knew that he was previously the third seat of Squad Two, but aside from that, the man was a mystery to her. It wasn't exactly Shuriken's business who was picked as a captain, really, as it wasn't like she was interested in the position herself.

Though, she was rather grateful to be on good terms with most of the captains in the Gotei 13. Shuriken adored Yamamoto, Shunsui, and Jushiro, obviously, and she would consider herself - more or less - friends with Hirako and Rojuro. There weren't any feelings of hostility between her and Kuchiki, Muguruma, Aikawa, or Shihoin, so that was a plus. Squad Eleven's current Kenpachi rarely socialized, so really, it was easy to forget that he was even there sometimes.

And then there was Unohana. Goddamn, Shuriken pitied anyone who was foolish enough to get on that woman's bad side.

When the time came for everyone to line up, Shuriken and Sasakibe took their positions on either side of Yamamoto's chair. They were the first to arrive, followed shortly by the captains of divisions Two, Four, Six, and Nine. Shortly after, captains Three, Five, Seven, Eight, and Thirteen made their ways in as well. Some had their lieutenants with them while some didn't; it all depended on the captain, really.

As they entered the room, Shuriken exchanged brief waves with Shunsui and Jushiro. They both seemed to be doing well, which was always great to see.

However, a few minutes began to pass without any sign of Yamamoto or Urahara. Right as Shuriken started contemplating speaking to Sasakibe about exactly why things were taking so damn long, the man of the hour finally walked through the doors of the meeting room.

"Oh, uh... It looks like I'm the last to arrive," The blond in clogs apologized as his eyes scanned the large room. "I'm sorry about that."

The moment that Shuriken laid eyes on his goofy expression and listened to him speak, she felt a twinge of frustration surge through her. You've got to be shitting me. There's no way this man is a captain. The haori he wore and the scolding that soon came from Shihoin made it painfully clear that indeed, he was a captain, and he was the one that they were all there to see.

"What are you doing?!" Yamamoto's voice, which boomed from behind Urahara, attracted all of their attention. "Get in there, fool! Stop wasting time!"

"R-Right! Sorry!" Urahara apologized.

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