twenty-one - 'implications'

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Nine years following the coveted winter festival that Captain-Commander Yamamoto had put together in order to raise the morale of the Gotei 13, Natazaki Shuriken was physically the strongest that she had ever been. Once the festivities had drawn to a close and she had been able to yet again focus her time and attention on her own training, Shuriken had done everything in her power to achieve the one thing that had eluded her for so very long.

Bankai. The Zanpakuto's second, and strongest, released form. Something so powerful and desired that most Soul Reapers could spend their entire lives training for it in vain.

The journey hadn't been an easy one for Shuriken, but then again, had anything in her life ever gone smoothly? From the moment her father, Tahara, spared the life of his younger brother Mizuno during their fight for leadership over the Natazaki, Shuriken had been damned to a life of hardship.

However, Shuriken was stubborn. Persistent. And once she had set her mind to achieving Bankai, there was nothing - and no one - who could stop her. Not even herself.

It was a blessing that the woman had yet to find a need to use such a powerful ability; the Soul Society had been experiencing quite the period of peace over the past several years, and although Shuriken was tremendously proud of herself for having achieved the great goal that she had set for herself, she was grateful for the serenity.

Of course, she knew that such a thing would not last. It never did; it never had. Eventually, something (or someone) would disturb the peace that they had come to enjoy. It was why, even after obtaining her zanpakuto's final release form, Shuriken refused to grow complacent. When the time came that she would need to use her bankai in battle, she had to be ready.

After all, she wasn't just fighting for herself – she was fighting for the sake of the Soul Society and, most importantly, the Captain-Commander. If something were to happen to Yamamoto while Shuriken herself still lived, the woman wouldn't be able to handle it. The guilt that would overwhelm her, surely, would cause her to believe her own life no longer held any meaning.

Having obtained her zanpakuto's final release form, Shuriken once more returned to helping her beloved protege strengthen himself. In the first few years following their partnership, Taro had made substantial improvements as well. Even when Shuriken had been too busy with her own training to aid him, Taro had been working tirelessly with members not only of the First Division, but also a few of his former Squad Ten colleagues that he had left behind after transferring to Yamamoto's division.

On this particular afternoon, Shuriken and Taro had been working on ways to utilize the shield-like shikai form of his zanpakuto, Suchiruraion, in a more offensive manner. For as defensively-based as Suchiruraion was, Taro needed to be able to use it in order to attack if necessary. That much, at least, Shuriken would be able to help him with; when it came to improving his already impressive skills in Kido... well, she wasn't much help there.

However, the two stopped once they noticed another member of the First Division had approached them. Shuriken couldn't recall the other female's name, but she knew that she had seen her around the barracks before.

"Apologies for interrupting, Third Seat Natazaki, Tenth Seat Okazaki," The younger female gave them both a respectful bow. "Lieutenant Sasakibe has requested your presence, Third Seat. I believe he said something about trying a new soup of yours?"

At the mention of lunch with her lieutenant, Shuriken's lips tugged upwards into a smile. It seemed that Sasakibe was hungry, and as opposed to fending for himself, he was requesting her services for his afternoon meal.

Really, who was she to refuse him?

"Thank you for letting us know. You're dismissed," Shuriken told the other female, watching as she once more left their training grounds. Taro released a small, amused hum.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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