eighteen - 'answers'

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Although Shuriken's greatest pride as a shinigami came from her own achievements, hearing that Taro had passed his placement exam brought an almost unparalleled joy into her heart. He had finally begun to channel his potential into spectacular results and truthfully, Shuriken believed he deserved every bit of success that would come his way. Taro (and in many ways, Shuriken herself) was a testament to how hard work could completely change one's life. As long as he continued to dedicate his life to the Soul Society and bettering his craft, Shuriken expected Taro would continue to climb the ranks and reach even greater goals.

Of course, that wasn't to say that she'd be willing to give up her own seat for Taro. If he, or anyone else, for that matter, wanted Shuriken's position as third seat, they'd have to pry it from her cold, dead hands.

"Congratulations, Tenth Seat Okazaki. I hope you're excited for the increased workload that will come with your promotion," Shuriken placed a hand near the middle of Taro's back as the two of them walked through the First Division barracks, giving his muscular frame a few proud pats before dropping her hand once more to her side. Sasakibe had broken the news to Taro only a few minutes earlier, but Shuriken had known as soon as the decision had been made a couple of days prior.

"I would ask for nothing less," Taro replied as the corners of his lips began to tug upwards into a smile. No matter how hard he tried to mask his glee, Shuriken could see through him as clear as day; she was sure that anyone could. "Thank you once again for all of your help, Shuriken."

As the two talked, Shuriken led Taro towards the meeting hall that Yamamoto used for their monthly tea ceremonies. The work day had already come to an end and in order to celebrate the promotion of her protege, Shuriken had put together a small party for him. It wasn't much, with the main attraction being a buffet spread that Shuriken and a few, unseated members of the division had made earlier in the day while Taro was out on a mission, but that didn't lessen the warmth that spread across Taro's chest as he walked through the door and laid eyes on everything.

Several of the Soul Reapers who had aided Shuriken in cooking earlier came up and congratulated Taro on his promotion, as well as several other members of their squad who Shuriken couldn't name if she tried. What Shuriken had put together wasn't a big party by any means but then again, it wasn't supposed to be. She had merely wanted to celebrate Taro's accomplishment with their colleagues.

To Shuriken's surprise, one person in particular had arrived much sooner than she had expected him to. Or at the very least, earlier than he should have.

"How the hell did you get here before we did?" Though several of the First recruits flinched at the way Shuriken spoke to the scruffy, grinning blond by the buffet, she paid them no attention. "If Lieutenant Sarugaki tells me you bailed early on her today, I'll kick your ass."

"It's nice to see you too, Shuri," Urahara's voice was as carefree and cheerful as always. "But I'll have you know, I was a good boy today and made sure that I finished everything early! The lack of faith you have in me is rather disappointing."

Though Shuriken's eye twitched once in annoyance, Urahara wasn't phased. "As much as I hate to say it, though, I'm not just here to see you right now, baby. I'm here for our man of the hour!" With his plate in one hand, Urahara passed Shuriken with a single pat of her head and made his way towards Taro.

A few females in attendance giggled but once they spotted Shuriken's seemingly frustrated expression, they turned their attention back to their meals, lest they become the target of the third seat's annoyance. Seemingly oblivious to the whispers of those around her, Shuriken watched with softening eyes as Urahara approached Taro and gave him a congratulatory handshake. However, as soon as their hands connected, Urahara jovially pulled Taro in for a hug. Though startled at first, Taro soon returned the gesture with an amused chuckle of his own.

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