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"That's all for today, everyone. As a first day present, I won't be assigning any homework, but please do some review of what you learned last year so I know that everyone is caught up." Remus smiled to his new students, dismissing them for the rest of the day.

Esther leaned in close to Hope. "Yes, let me just review what Lockhart's favourite brand of shampoo is. I hear it's so potent that trolls faint at the smell." Hope tried to stifle laughter. "Aren't you coming?" The girl asked, throwing her bag over her shoulder. Hope sighed as several crumpled papers came flying out.

"I'm gonna stay back for a bit to talk to my dad. You head to dinner without me, save me a seat." Hope replied, neatly packing up her books.

"Bad choice. Now I'm definitely gonna get a seat next to those twins." Esther smirked. Before Hope could stop her, she was already long gone, rushing out of the classroom as quick as she could.

"I know you've tried to describe her energy before, but that girl's a much bigger handful than I expected." Hope pivoted to see her father standing in front of her desk, amused gaze still focused on the doorway. "Grab your bag, I'll show you my new office."

Hope quickly packed the rest of her books before following her dad up the winding staircase. She peered into the room hesitantly, not expecting what to see. As she entered, a rather perturbed grindylow sat in the corner by the window, watching her every move.

Hope walked about the room, taking in every inch of the space. It was on the smaller side compared to other rooms in the school, but still much bigger than anything they had back home. His unpacked luggage rested beside the door, as well as several trinkets Hope had never seen before.

She headed over to the large book shelves, taking in the wide array of novels. "Where did you get all of these books?" She asked, running her hand along the dark ebony wood.

"Dumbledore gave them to me. There's all sorts of material there to help me with my lessons." Remus walked over to his desk, leaning against it for support. "How has your first day been?"

Hope headed over to her dad, leaning against a nearby chair. "It's been normal, but I should really be the one asking you that, Professor. There's quite a few kids I'd rather not have to wrangle in this school."

Remus laughed. "Don't even get me started. Between Esther and those Weasley boys alone, I'm already exhausted. What were they working an anyways?"

"I have no idea, honestly. They come up with new outlandish pranks everyday. They even asked me to get them out of detention. Can you believe that? Next thing you know they're gonna be asking me to pull pranks with them or something." Hope sighed, still in awe at how irresponsible some people could be.

"Maybe it could be fun." Remus replied, crossing his arms. "You know, I was a bit of a trouble maker myself when I was your age."

Hope sent him a look of disbelief. "My father? The one who's always telling me to be careful of the tiniest inconvenience?" She laughed. "Yeah, total trouble maker."

"Hey, give your old man some credit. My age has just gotten the better of me." He pointed an accusing finger at the girl, seeming quite proud of his past accomplishments.

"Well, you definitely look it." Hope froze when she saw the look on his face. What was meant to be a light-hearted joke had struck a chord with the man. "Dad, I'm so-"

"No need, Hopper. I know you didn't mean anything by it." The two became silent, Remus taking more of an interest in his shoes than his child standing in front of him. "I'd heard some talk, but are the kids really that put off by my appearance?" Their conversations always seemed to end up this way. What begins as playful banter becomes a talk they'd rather not have.

"It's not like their opinions matter, Dad. You're a grown adult, they're just some stupid toddlers." She tried her best to comfort the man, seeing if he'd meet her eyes.

"You're right, I'd just rather not have my students think poorly of me." Remus looked up at his daughter, sending her a smile. "You should probably head to the feast now, I'm sure your friend is lacking in some serious supervision."

Hope gave a light laugh. "You're probably right. I'll see you there, Dad." She quickly threw her bag over her shoulder, rushing out of the classroom.

"Wait!" She paused in the doorway. "Your grandfather wanted you to know that he's waiting for his letter. Better get on that before he comes to the school himself."

HOPPER // f. weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें