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"Have you got everything? Your wand? Your shoes?" Lyall Lupin asked, searching the young girl's bag in case she missed anything.

"Yes, Grandpa. I've only done this exact routine for the past 15 years." Hope walked over, zipping the bag up and throwing it over her shoulder. "Besides, you know how meticulous I am. When have I ever forgotten anything?"

Lyall sighed, patting his granddaughter on the shoulder. "I know, Hopey. Worrying just runs in the Lupin family." Hope laughed at the man, knowing all about the protective nature of her relatives. "Are you ready to go?"

She smiled. "Ready as I'll ever be." In a flash, the two were sucked into a blur of colours and sounds. Popping back out, Hope felt the familiar sense of nausea hit her. Walking almost drunkenly into the kitchen, she managed to sloppily pour herself a cup of water before taking a seat at the table.

"You never were a fan of apparating." Lyall laughed, the girl giving him a small smile in return. "Your father should be back soon. Remember to owl me back before your next visit. I won't have my own granddaughter ignoring me." He teased playfully.

Finally feeling the swirling in her stomach begin to settle, Hope got up and pulled her grandfather into a snug embrace. "I told you, I've been busy with summer homework. It won't happen though, I promise."

"That's my girl." After bidding their goodbyes, Lyall disapparated back to his own house, leaving Hope alone in the empty shell of a cottage.

Sighing, she headed over to the bathroom, retrieving the first aid kit she had come to know so well. She set it on the kitchen counter as she began to prepare a simple breakfast of eggs and toast, scooping plenty of sugar in to make the coffee as sweet as her father liked it. She never did understand how he could manage to swallow something so rich.

As if on cue, the front door to the cottage opened as Hope plated the hot meal. Wandering over to the living room, she watched as her father slumped down onto the rugged couch, his clothing torn and covered in mud.

"Look at you," she chastised, retrieving the first aid kit from the kitchen. "I don't think I've ever seen you come home this dirty before. What's the damage this time?"

Remus gave his daughter a light kiss on the cheek as she took a seat next to him, watching as she carefully unwrapped the roll of bandages. "The rain was pretty rough last night, I imagine I fell in a puddle of some sort on my adventure. And it isn't that bad this time, a couple of scratches on my arm but nothing major."

Hope sighed, grabbing the man's arm and lifting his sleeve to reveal several red streaks of blood. "You call this little? I know it's not the worst you've had, but at least show some care."

"This one doesn't hurt as much as the last one." Hope applied some ointment, giving him a smug look as he flinched. "Alright, maybe it does hurt a bit."

The girl finished her work quickly, packing the supplies away as neatly as before. "There's eggs and coffee on the table." She said, getting up to leave the room. "Eat before it gets cold. I've got some homework to finish, so I'm going up to my room."

As she tried to leave, she heard her father calling her name. She turned around, giving him an annoyed look. "I love you, Hopper."

Her face softened into a smile. "I love you too, Dad."

HOPPER // f. weasleyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu