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Hope looked on in confusion as Esther tried hard to fix her unruly hair, combing it with her fingers as best as she could. They were currently sitting on a sunny window seat, biding time until their next class. Hope had been intently reading her new herbology textbook, stopping when she saw Esther begin to fuss next to her.

"Stop, stop." She said, grabbing the girl's hands. "What on earth are you doing?"

"These cute guys have been staring at us for the past few minutes. Didn't you see them? I want to make a good impression!" Esther replied, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"And ripping your hair out is how you plan to go about that?" Esther gave her a look. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. If you haven't noticed, Essie, I'm not exactly the type to check out cute boys. I was busy reading up on some new plants for herbology class."

"Of course you were, Miss Adult." Esther rolled her eyes. "When will you ever be interested in actually doing what teenagers do? You know, romance, sports, that kind of stuff."

"For your information, I do have a romantic life." Hope retorted, jokingly throwing her hair behind her ear.

Esther laughed at her, throwing her hair back into her face. "Rejecting the only guy to ever ask you out doesn't count. Anyways, if you ever are interested in living life, the two guys I was talking about are just over there. I think they fancy one of us, what do you reckon?" Esther gestured just a little ways down the hall where Hope noticed two familiar red heads watching them. They were trying their best to hide behind a pillar, failing miserably as their fiery locks gave them away.

"You couldn't be more wrong, Essie." Hope laughed. "Those are the Weasley twins. They were bothering me with one of their childish pranks the other night."

Esther seemed excited. "You mean you flirted with a boy and I wasn't there? Be still my beating heart!" She pretended to fake faint, falling into her friend's arms.

Hope threw her off. "It wasn't flirting. They want me to help them get out of detention by using my father's position. It's ridiculous!"

"Who knows, Hopey, this could be a great opportunity for you to make new friends. And if not you, then maybe you could hook your best friend up." She winked at the girl, nudging her side.

"That's not gonna happen. You're the most nonsense I can handle in my life right now." Esther laughed, knowing full well how true that was. "We should head to class now, I don't need my dad marking me late on the first day."

HOPPER // f. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now