"How do you feel about this Harry?" She asked. Harry didn't expect to be asked this question. He sat there stumped for a bit. He couldn't say he didn't like the idea, he'd look like a jerk.

"Well I think if two people love each other, than they should be together. If its meant to be, it will be. Who am I to stand in front of true love?" Harry said, the audience aww'd.

Harry did add "And Niall knows what will happen if he hurts her" he had a smile on his lips but I knew he actually meant it.

Niall's eyes got wide and he pretended to look scared, but then he laughed with everybody else. Right as the show ended the boys walked through the front door. I guess it wasn't live. Harry walked in and sat next to me.

"Did ya see it?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was weird having you talk about me. And all that love stuff.." 

"Well I wasn't exactly lying, whatever boyfriend you have will be your boyfriend, and I can't stop that." Harry shrugged.

"Your a good brother" I said and Harry smiled at me. Soon the rest of the boys came in laughing, with Justin Bieber and the other guy. I began hitting the back of my head on the back of the couch repeatedly.

"Are you ok?" Justin finally asked. All the boys knew why I was doing it.

"Just dandy" I said sarcastically, obviously he didn't pick up on it. All the boys sat on the couches. Niall sat on the other side of me. Louis, Justin, Alfredo all sat on the other couch and Liam and Zayn sat in the big chair. It was a big chair that I loved so much! It was super comfy!

"So you two are really dating?" Justin asked.

"No it's all a publicity thing" I said rolling my eyes. It wasn't really but that's what Harry thought, and I think he knows I'm being sarcastic.

"Ohh.. Sorry"

  -awkward silence-  

"Well I'm gonna go to my room, you boys have fun" I said while standing up, I walked to my room and sat on my bed. What to do? BLACK OPS! I turned on my Xbox and grabbed a controller. I sat on the end of my bed and turned on my big flat screen TV that hung in my wall.

"NEWB!" I yelled at the guy who made my team lose. Even though he could've been anywhere in the world. And I don't have my mic on either. A few minutes later a new game started. Right when it did Justin and Niall walked in my room, I normally would've asked him what's up but I was in my zone. After a few minutes some guy shot me from the other team.

"Maybe you should get a life and not sit playing video games all day" I said to him.

"You do know they can't hear you?" Justin asked

"She knows, she's just special" Niall said. I stopped playing and looked at him.

"I'm normal" I said kinda slow... I think that just runs in the family or something!

"Ohh but your not" Niall teased.

"Well thanks Horan" I said.

"Anytime, were going to the mall so lets go" Niall said grabbing my hand.

"I need to get ready" I said letting to of his hand and running into my closet.

"Why? You look beautiful right now" Niall said as he walked into my closet to.

"Yeah but if I'm going to the mall with one direction and Justin Bieber, I can't look like a hobo. I need to look nice" I said grabbing a pair short jean shorts. I figured my shirt was good enough.

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