✧ Six | An Enchanted Encounter ✧

Start from the beginning

We walked out the door and into the wide cobblestone streets of Threa. I somewhat had found the energy to go through with the day. I was not about to sleep in until one p.m. on another planet. Plus, the weather was pleasing and there was no air pollution to cloud the mood.

It wasn't awkward at all during the walk because Khaleesi and I entertained ourselves by talking about one another. I quickly grasped the information that she was an avid tea drinker, had three brothers, and aspired to be a high demand seamstress for a large and flourishing kingdom.

I told her I had a cousin who was like a sister to me and two real siblings. I also mentioned how I played a few instruments. I didn't want to overshare just in case any hobbies I had would interfere with the course of how this world worked.

I couldn't tell her how I watched anime because there were no TV's. I couldn't tell her I was a marching band kid because I didn't think schools here had them. Which made me wonder what the schools here were like. Were they anything like Hogwarts from Harry Potter or Camp Half-Blood from Percy Jackson?

That led me to ask. "What are the schools like here?"

Khaleesi shrugged. "Nothing much. They just teach you basic things like reading, writing, math, and history."

That sounded boring. "Is that it?"

"Well, you enroll at age five. Schools are quite common but very small in size. You learn the basics and then you graduate."

"You don't learn enchants in school?"

"Well no, school is for every species. Only enchanters can use enchants so it wouldn't make sense to teach it," she answered.

"Didn't you say merpeople existed? How can they go to school if it's on land?" I was so curious about everything this world had to offer.

"Um, they have schools underwater too. But school is optional."

What! Not fair. Optional school seemed pretty cool but at the same time school taught you the basic knowledge needed to live. "At what age do you graduate?"

"Twelve," said Khaleesi. We took a right turn to a shorter path.

Only twelve? Kids got only seven years of education? It was like you graduated as a sixth grader if you went by the American school system.

"What's the drink age, then?" I asked jokingly.


"Whatttt. Are you serious?" Thirty? That was kind of hard to believe. In America it was twenty-one, Korea, it was nineteen, and the Philippines it was eighteen. But thirty? Did people abuse alcohol that much?

"Well, yeah. It's not exactly good for you. If you're under thirty and you're caught with any booze, I heard that the Altum Tiers will find you and send you to prison."

Before I could bombard Khaleesi with any more nonsense questions, we arrived at our destination.

"This is The Tasty Tale. A popular coffee shop that originated in a large kingdom in a neighboring region."

The coffee shop was not how I was expecting it to look. It was so modern. Like a splash of color. It's walls were of yellow brick with large windows and a pink and white striped canopy. There were still vines growing around it, which every building seemed to have, but the building still popped with personality.

It reminded me a lot of Maggie's painting. It wasn't a castle but the color scheme still matched pretty well.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot." Khaleesi playfully slapped my back. "There's breakfast waiting for us."

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