✧ Four | How Far the Path Roams ✧

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I had no idea what I was doing

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I had no idea what I was doing. I wanted to get home. But at the same time, I craved this adventure. After all, it was the journey that counted more than the destination.

So, when navigating through foreign land without a sense of direction, keeping myself in a state of awe seemed to work as a wall to prevent the need for survival. The spunky attitude of mine held a sense of adventure instead of finding ways to survive through the day.

Keeping my mind off the uneasiness, I thought of how the forest was quite a hospitable host, letting me roam free like the wind.

I was never fond of waiting for Prince Charming to rescue me like a princess in a tower, so of course, I wandered on my own. It was better to seek help myself than to wait. Although being patient and waiting was pleasant, you could never achieve anything without doing something. (Which concluded why I always enter Maggie's house through the open window instead.)

I scoped out for an easy access out of the forest, which honestly was not easy at all. And I just kept walking straight. East, because that was where the sun was. At least I thought. But then I remembered, this wasn't Earth. And the star probably wasn't the Sun. So was I even walking East? Oh, what did that matter anyway? I didn't even know where I was going.

After maybe twenty minutes or so, my feet had brought me towards the outskirts of the well-natured forest. I had known I reached the end when the overgrown trees had stopped appearing on my trail.

A narrow cobblestone path began at the outskirts, leading outwards from the forest into what I believed was a small village. I stepped onto the path and continued on with it, letting the path decide where I would land.

When the sight of trees had disappeared, I looked up at the cerulean sky which was clear from clouds of gloom, and the path was now surrounded by fields of flowers.

The little path continued on and up a hill, and once I had climbed above the hill, a miraculous sight had caught my eyes.

An exciting village sat upon the hill with various sounds of music dancing in the air. It brought a grin to my face to know that this world had a peaceful yet lively village resting on its surface.

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