Chapter 2

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Here it is, the Chapter 2, I hope you like it! To remember, I don't own Naruto or any of the personages in this fanfic. Masashi Kishimoto own them. If I owned them I would be ShikaNaru for ever! But anyway, hope you enjoy it!

- Person talking

- Person thinking

- Kurama talking/thinking

- Naruto talking with chakra letters


Naruto was now eleven years old, he wears a mask just like Kakashi's so he can cover half of his face. And he never talked, he learned how to make chakra letters to communicate and his face was always empty of emotions. He trained for nine years with Kurama and Kakashi so he would never be beaten like when he was 2. He also trained with Itachi, at least until the Uchiha massacre. The blond knew that Itachi had no choice but to do it, but even, since the day Itachi had to leave Kakashi never was the same. The two boys loved deeply each other and the fact that Itachi had to left almost broke them. So, Naruto was here for his brother just like he was here since the day he was born. Kakashi got over it and focused on training the Uzumaki, he could still talk a few times with Itachi using his crows. Today was the day Naruto entered the Academy, he could've done it years before but Itachi asked him to watch over Sasuke so he waited for the Uchiha survivor to enter the Academy.

- We're arriving Naru.

- Okay Kakashi-nii, you told them that I am mute right?

- I am gonna tell Iruka, since he will be your sensei for the year.

- Oh, Iruka is the sensei? It's true that he quit ANBU a few years ago.

Iruka was an ANBU under the name of Falcon, until he quit to go teach at the Academy, something that Naruto never understood since Academy was BORING as hell.

- Yeah, the Hokage put you in his class. You're ready? We are here.

- Let me a few seconds.

The blond adjusted his mask and jacket. He was wearing a dark orange legging and shirt with a red shirt with the Uzumaki symbol on the back.

- I'm ready.

- Here we go.

The Hatake knocked a few times on the door before opening it and entering.

- Oh, Kakashi-san, you are here to bring your little brother right? Welcomed the man standing in front of the class.

- Hey Iruka. You are right, this is Naruto, my little brother.

- Say hello guys.

A few "welcome" and "hi" were said in the class, Naruto didn't reacted and looked at his older brother.

- Oh, I almost forgot, Naruto is mute. But he can talk doing chakra letters.

- Okay, can you show us Naruto?

The blond focused and blue letters appeared in the air.

- Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki-Hatake

- If he can communicate like this, there is no problems. Naruto can you sat next to Sasuke? It's the one with black hair on the back of the class.

Naruto nodded and went to sat next to the boy that he already knew, even if the Uchiha never really met him. Naruto only knew him thanks to Itachi. Sasuke glared at him when he sat, and Naruto glared at him the same way. Seing the blond glaring him the same way, Sasuke blushed and looked away trying to keep an emotionless face.

Naruto Uzumaki-Hatakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن