Here comes the Kanes

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About ten minutes after the Norse people got here, Matt and Percy went to go hangout in the corner with the other greek demigod boys. Annabeth and Magnus a few feet away, Sophilina was talking to Biana, Fitz's little sister. Speaking of Fitz, he was coming this way. That's when I realized , he is my best friend forever after, (If you know where that is from, comment it please. I wanna know who else knows it.) And that I should apologize. "Hey." He said, sitting down next to me. "Hi." I responded. There was silence, we didn't say anything for about a minute or two till I spoke up again. "Look, I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier, you of all people should know that my temper gets ahold of me sometimes." He nodded in understanding. There was another flash, and the Kane and Magicians from brooklyn came out of it. I looked at Fitz. "I'll be back." He smiled at me and I ran to Sadie Kane. She now had lime green streaks in her hair. "Sadie! Hey!" I said to her. Annabeth made her way over. "Hey Sadie!" She said. "Hey Lily! Hey Annabeth! How are you guys?" Sadie asked us with a smile. "I'm great." Annabeth said. "I'm good. How are you?" I asked Sadie, grinning. "I am fantastic, thanks." She said, with a very small british accent. "Your accent is fading, sads." Annabeth told her. "I know. Carter is planning a trip for us to go to england this summer. So I'll get my accent back." The Magician told us. "Fun. I have family in london. I think one of them has a crush on my cousin. And I have a brother and sister there." I said, shrugging.

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