Ch 4. Heart never Forgets...

Start from the beginning

"Ok, then there's a change in plan. I'll just inform your dad that you love your fiance from years." Saying so Shahid runs towards Abdul Hadi's bed and takes his mobile only to be snatched back by him. Shahid then began to laugh.

Hadi is engaged to Shahid's younger sister. His parents brought the proposal and Shahid's parents accepted it but nobody knew that Abdul Hadi loves Afia since years, except Shahid. Abdul Hadi's family opposes love marriages and that's the reason why he never talks with Afia on mobile or in-person even after their engagement as he doesn't want to disclose his love for her or else his dad will break the engagement. He thanks Allah for making his parents bring his proposal for Afia all by themselves.

"See my timid behnoi (sisters husband)." Shahid chuckles. But really man I am ready to become your brother but not that (saala) I hate that word." Shahid replies.

They lay on their bed and Shahid's mobile starts ringing. He receives the call, "Assalamalaikum Abbu." His Abbu greats him back and asks about his health.

While talking Shahid glances at Abdul Hadi who has covered himself with the comforter and is about to sleep.

Shahid suddenly asks In a dramatic way, "what Afia?"

Hadi removes the comforter from his body and sitting on the bed asks in a whisper, "what happened?"

Controlling his laughter Shahid continues, "yeah but she is talented, it's not surprising that she stood first in her class." Shahid replies and then understanding dawns upon Abdul Hadi that Shahid is only teasing him. He throws a cushion in Shahid's direction when Shahid disconnects the call. In return, Shahid showers him with pillows.

"The first thing I'm going to do tomorrow is to hide your pillows. Like who sleeps with eight pillows?" Hadi rubs his head.

"I am The Great Mr Shahid, not anyone and I always like extra things and it's not like I place all of them under my head. And just like every other thing my love will also have an extra dose of craziness." Shahid proudly replies.

"Whatever helps you to sleep," Hadi replies.

"So Abdul I was asking do you also see Afia's face after closing your eyes?" Shahid asks.

"Man you are wiped. It happens when someone is deeply imprinted in your heart. Another thing is don't ever compare me with you as my love is a silent one, I'm not at all crazy and impatient like you." Saying so he turned his back towards Shahid who only chuckles in return.

Closing his eyes again Shahid imagine someone's beautiful face unaware of the fact that she too is doing the same...


Next day...

"Hey, Shahid." He turns his back when he hears someone calling him only to find Sidhra's brother.

"Hi! Back to home, I guess." Shahid says.

"Um... No, actually I came just now." He replies while scratching his neck.

"But the classes are over now." Shahid gets confused.

"Yeah, but for me, it's very boring to attend classes every day on time. Do you attend the classes regularly?" He asks.

"Yes, after all, he's always amongst the top five." Abdul Hadi replies.

"Wow, man! So you are in the final and that makes you my senior." He chuckles.

"Yeah and if you need any help regarding your studies you can always ask me. Here take my number." Saying so Shahid gives him his number and he goes away after chatting for some time.

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