the rescue and a new family

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i had just gotten my food and water for the day they fed me while i was chained to the wall in my cage and beaten for the next hour by 20 people, they used knives, wips, and there fists. when they left i was covered with cuts and bruises. one day i looked through my door hole and saw a girl with black  hair no older than me and she was surrounded by guys saying "i'm gonna have fun with this one" a dark aura covered the building i broke the chains and got on all fours i grew wolf ears and a tail then bit through the bars on the cage and attacked the guys surrounding that girl. i turn off one's leg and another's arm killing the rest then i passed out. when i woke up i had almost 10x the amount of chains on me than i had before "your not gonna get out of those, they are titanium chains, you piece of shit always wasting my time" i looked up to see a guy in a white lab coat next to a guy with a black coat sas they walk away i then look around the new room that i'm in, it's covered in blood.

5 years later the pro heros get an anonymous tip about people experimenting with kids. outside a dirty broken down warehouse there is a group of heroes and those heros are MIdnight, present mic, Eraserhead, all might, and nezu "that guy who sent the tip said he works here and he doesn't want the kids to get hurt he also said he wears a green shirt with an unzipped black hoodie with black boots and dark blue jeans" "ok let's go, the longer we are out here the more those kids could be in danger"

there was a loud explosion that shook the building but me being locked in this room chained to the wall i didn't see what it was 30 minutes after the building shook the door busted down and a group of people walked in. i closed my eyes and waited for the beating but nothing happened i opened one eye a little. right after i did i fell to the ground. once i hit the ground i curled up into a ball and re-closed the eye that i opened "p-please d-dont hurt m-me" i felt someone hug me but he didn't open his eyes "we won't hurt you because we are heros, its or job to save you and we will save you" i stay curled up in a ball and passed out again. when i woke up i looked around and saw a table, chairs, a dart board, a pool table, and i was sleeping on a girls lap. she looked down at me and i pretended to sleep, she chuckled "i know your not sleeping" i sit up and move the the other side of the couch then curl up into a ball, she pulls me next to her and hugs me "its ok, i'm here now" i didn't want to but i let my guard down and cuddled with her. i wouldn't go anywhere without her because i was scared that they would experiment on me too. she gave me food and water i ate the food and drank then went to sleep on her lap

Nemuri's pov

"can he stay with you Nemuri" without even thinking i said "yes" nezu handed me the papers "that's good because he seems to only trust you right now" i look down at him and mumble "i always wanted a kid but i never found the right guy" i sign the papers and wake him up "what's your name" i can see him trying to remember "i-izuku i think" "ok izuku i adopted you so im now your mother now"i smiled at him and we went to my house.

sorry sort the really short part i just threw it together

(Izuku x Momo) I'm nothing without youWhere stories live. Discover now