Speeding Evie

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Cop: Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going?

Evie, who was definitely speeding: No... It was probably sixty miles per hour, though, and no more than that.

Cop: *writing on notepad* And do you know the speed limit?

Evie: Oh, I didn't know there was one of those on this road.

Cop: ...

Cop: Uh, yeah, it's half of what you were going.

Evie: Oh....

Cop: Didn't you see the speed checker on the side of the road that flashes your speed over the speed limit?

Evie: OH! That's what that was. I thought I was getting the high score...

Cop: ...

Cop: Ma'am, call somebody and get some help. You are a menace to us all.

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