Leone:" Please do."

Griha:"* Clears thought* "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If any person here can show cause why these two people should not be entered in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

I expected someone to stand up dramatically out of there seats and say something, but everyone remained quiet and in their places. A wave of relief washed over me as my father continued the ceremony.

Griha:" Marriage It is one of life's most luxurious surprises when the accidental meeting of two life paths lead them to proceed together along the common way as husband and wife. It is one of life's most beautiful experiences when a casual relationship grows into a permanent bond of love. This meeting and this growth bring us together today. Y/n and Leone, will you take vows here before all of us, which symbolize the manifested promises you have already made and will continue to make to each other throughout your lives?"

Leone and Y/n:" We will."

Griha:" Please retreat after me."

I repeated my father's words hoping that Leone would say the lines that we had practiced indicating that she would go threw with the wedding.

Y/n:" I, Y/n, take you, Leone, as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquillity, asking that you be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know, in all the ways that life may find us."

Leone smiled at me with a glint in her eyes that made me know that made it possible for me able to tell that she wanted the marriage just like I did. My father told Leone to repeat his words like I had done earlier.

Leone:" I, Leone, take you, Y/n, as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquillity, asking that you be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know, in all the ways that life may find us."

Leone stared at me as she said her vows, smiling, we now moved on to the ring exchange.

Griha:" The circle is the symbol of the sun, earth, and universe. It is the symbol of peace. Let this ring be the symbol of unity and order in which your two lives are joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever you go, return unto one another and to your togetherness. Y/n, as you place the ring on Leone's finger, please repeat after me:"

Y/n:" I give you this ring to wear upon your hand as a symbol of our unity in steadfast love."

I placed the ring on my fiance's finger.

Griha:" Leone, as you place the ring on Y/n's finger, please repeat after me:"

Leone began to repeat my father's words as her cheeks were red with love, and she smiled at me.

Leone:" I give you this ring to wear upon your hand as a symbol of our unity in steadfast love."

Leone placed the ring on my finger.

Griha:" You are mature people who have established individual patterns of living. Yet you have found not only a need for companionship but the satisfaction of that need in each other's company. It is this love, based upon a responsible understanding, that will aid you in creating out of your two lives, a marriage and a happiness you will share. Stand fast in hope and confidence, believing in yourself and believing in each other.

Since you two have come before your friends and family and have declared your love and devotion to each other, I now greet you with them as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I grabbed Leone's cheek and kissed her on the lips. It was a short yet sweet tender and passionate kiss all at the same time. We broke the kiss as we began to leave the places we were standing in as Leone threw her bouquet flowers. It looked like Mine was going to be the lucky girl and catch it, but right as it was about to land in Mine's grip Chelsea being taller, then she grabbed the flowers just above where she could reach. Mine was furious, to say the least, as she yelled at Chelsea. I smickered as my new wife, and I began to head to the reception.

Mine P.O.V~

I had my wrapped my arms around Tatsumi's as I gazed at the new husband and wife dancing. I an odd warm feeling in my chest as my boyfriend wasn't paying attention; he was eating a cookie.

Mine:" Hey, Tatsumi."

Tatsumi:" Hm."

Mine:" Let's get married."

Tatsumi:" Wait, wha!"

Mine:" Not now, you idiot, but soon, this is Y/n and Leone's time."

Y/n P.O.V~

I dance with my wife as I held her in a dip our nose's touching.

Y/n:" I love Leone, my wife."

Leone smiled as she kissed my nose.

Leone:" I love you too, Y/n, my husband."

Abusive Yang x abused male belladonna reader x Leoneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن