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I frown and wanted to continue screaming at him when I started to notice the panic and frustration from his face. I was kinda dumbfounded and stop.

After getting assured that I stop my 'idiocy'. Raven glare at me and stood up. "Fucking stand up from there and climb on the fucking bed."

As if I'll climb that filthy bed! But Before I answer, Raven was already walking hurriedly out the door while calling for the butler.

Shit! I send the bed a dirty look and stood up to move to the couch.

I fucking hate you!

Ouch. The pain made my head clear up a little.

I can't help looking around the room.

Shit. It is still stupidly huge. It's even bigger than our whole fucking house.
I gritted my teeth and just close my eyes since I can't do anything anyway.

I hate the feeling that this whole room is familiar to me. I hate to remember that that bed was where we played and napped when we were young before he used that to fuck my exes and probably a lot of flings too.

I turn to the door when i heard it open.

"I said, leave me the fuck alone!"

"But young mast--"

Raven shut the door to the Old Butler's face.

I look at him blankly as he walk to me carrying the first aid kit.


I thought he would look for the guards to drag me out of his room and call the maids to disinfect it of my bacteria.

I frown at him bearing the questions I can't bear to ask.

He dump the box on the glass table. "Didn't I told you to climb on the bed?"

I can't still believe that this young fucking master did something on his own for someone that I forgot to be angry at default.

He breathe out exasperated and slump on the couch.

He open the box with a vengeance as if he want to Smash everything with his hands.

I tried to move to take it since I probably won't be able to use it after he's done smashing everything but he snap at me immediately. "Stay put, fuck!"

My veins pop but his once in a lifetime act of kindness threw me off.

This is definitely what you'll feel if a demon king who only did evil things suddenly did something nice.

That nice thing will hunt you and you'll even feel ashamed to snap at this fucking angel.

"Let me." I slip my hands on the box and immediately grab what I need and started to treat my wounds before he protest.

He look at me with frustration written all over his face. His golden eyes looks like it will suddenly flame up and engulf me. "Do you have to be stubborn everytime."

I didn't answer and just hasten my pace.

I need to get out of here soon. As fast as I can.

"Let me." Raven tried to take the bandage from me.

I dodge and look at him warily. "I can do it myself."

He frown and glared at me a little. "You are nearly twisting yourself doing that alone."

I glared back. "I have my wounds and you have yours. Deal with yourself." I gestured to his wounded Right hand. Yeah. When he punch the mirror in the bar earlier tonight.

He hasn't even bandaged himself. Why the fuck does he want to mess with mine?

He started glaring at me looking like he needs to strangle me to death to live. "Do you really have to be this stubborn?! Why do you always have to be like this?!"

That made me twitch. I felt like he just hit my reverse scale.

Did he really just dragged the past just now?!

That made me blew my fuse not thinking if I'll ever regret what I might say. "Of course! What do you think I used to survive all your shits this fucking years? My 'kind heart'?!" I snap at him with all the evil sarcasm i can muster. "Of course fucking not, dude!"

He was dumbfounded. Somehow, That blank and shocked look on his face irk the hell out of me.

I feel like my head was pumped with hot air. I feel like I just want to burst.

Why do I even have to endure and look at him being dumbfounded as if he wasn't the one who caused all of it?

The thought of wanting him to experience even a little bit of what I felt overwhelmed me. I just wanted to spout all this shit in the most acidic way.

"If your supposed best friend Raped you when drunk, then targeted you, then started taking your girls, you'd probably kill yourself without willpower and stubbornness!"



Instantly, I knew I fucked up in the worst way. I didn't know that I signed my own death sentence.

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