As Above, So Below; Part 3

Start from the beginning


Toni and Lexy sat on the bleachers in the gymnasium together, knowing Sweetpea wouldn't be in there during lunch. The smell wasn't exactly appealing, especially considering they were trying to eat, but it would do.

"What about Reggie? It doesn't seem to be as much of a struggle to avoid him." Toni asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. In fact, now that you say it, it's been months since Reg and I actually hung out together."

"Any reason why?"

"No. I tried to text and call him over the summer but he was always busy. Probably doing some random Greendale girls or something."

"You saw him down the hallway and then ran in the other direction!?" Cheryl swung open the doors and made her way over to the girls, as her heels tapping on the ground echoed around the gym.

"It wasn't my fault, I didn't expect to see him in that hallway!" Lexy defended herself. "I was caught off guard. How'd you know anyway?"

"Your boyfriend interrogated me about it during French class."

"Did he interrogate you in French?" Lexy asked.

"No, we were speaking English." The red head rolled her eyes.

"Less impressive."

"The point, Lexy, back to the point." Toni snapped in her face, not falling for her use of humour to lead the situation astray.

"Okay! Look, I promise I won't be caught off guard again. I'll take the long way to each class. And I'll stay late after school so I can't run into him outside."

"You're being stupid Lexy." Toni said.

"You know, after a person hears that over and over again, it starts to lose it's affect after a while."


It was weird being in school when the hallways were completely empty. Like one of those horror movies where the masked killer jumps out of the janitor's closet and then slices the virgin's throat in the classroom.

Lexy shook those thoughts out of her head. It would only make her paranoid. She stuffed the last of her books into her bag before swinging it over her shoulder and making her way down the stairs.

For some reason, her stomach felt weird. A gut feeling. Like something was about to happen. And considering this felt like a scene from a slasher movie, it more than likely wouldn't be good.

When the front doors came into view she picked up her pace, never wanting to be out of school more. But just when she was almost free, she felt herself being dragged inside the janitor's closet.

Before she even had a chance to defend herself, she realized who it was.

"Avoiding me?" Sweetpea asked.

Lexy hesitated for a moment. "I never avoid anyone."

This made her boyfriend scoff. "You saw me down the hall and then ran in the other direction. What do you call that?"



There was a moment of silence between them before Lexy made a break for the door, but was lifted up by Sweetpea and put at the back of the room. He was now blocking her escape route.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now