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A/N: I ended my story at chapter eight. This is only an Epilogue. So I hope you in enjoy. Please vote and comment telling me if I should finish this story.

{Three Months Past}

Life is a genuine thing that shouldnt be taken for granted and i learned that since Rico and I went our separate ways due to him cheating on me with my bro. I became friends with the new student Chris, wow did i really just think this like for real. Do i like him? Shit i think i do.....

-IPhone 6 alarm Rang-

I hopped up of bed basically the same way. I look at Dee's bed empty. I glare at the emotionless bed then slides downstairs for some breakfast mom my have made. Ever since that whore left I've been doing better than I was before. I'm more stylish, cuter, and more conceited. I walked in to notice mail on the corner. Mom just glanced at me then went back cooking. I look through them to see one from Dee. I opened it up and read it carefully.

Dear Darrion,

Sup bro I know your still mad at me. Yet I can't fixs what happened with Rico kissing me. Me and Rico don't speak at all. Anyways I'm the road with Travis and think about my actions. I'm glad you got your license this year cuz I left the vehicle behind and keys are with mom ya know. You probably know that already though. Dude I hope you have a great junior year in high school lil bro. No graduation for me cuz I do online school. Pretty boring though but yeah I'll talk to you when I can.

Sincerely Dee,

I stared at the paper....then balled it up and threw in the trash.....the fuck?! Shut the fuck up bro you going to tell me that shit. His paper was annoying me.....

"Why you ball it up?" Mom asked.

"Because his a whore, dick sucking, man stealing, worthless piece of trash?!" I coldly stated.

"....Well maybe he was tricked into to doing it have you ever consider it hm?" She utters before placing some food on the table.

Mom made muffins, bacon, sausages, and pancakes. I shifted to the food until moms words hit me.

What if he was tricked into it.....

I ceased eating my food to go brush my teeth, wash my face, and go to my walk in closet to get my clothes, my shoes, and accessories. I found one of our family photos with me and Dee on Christmas Day. He was 10 and I was 9. He had got that Nintendo DS while I got a Xbox360. I felt a steam of water fall from my eyes.

Am I crying?!

Why am I crying? I don't give a fuck about that hoe of a brother leaving me, it was the best thing ever to happened. I sit down still crying though.

20 minutes later.......

I opened the door slowly and walked out. It's already 7:30 am damnit.

"Darrion your going to be late for school!" My mom shouted.

"Yeah yeah I'm going." I replied.

I walked straight to my closet grabbed my second fav shirt, Red Jordan jacket, black joggers, and my black and red Jordan Retro 6s WhileI struttered downstairs. I kiss my mom bye then get in Dee's Benz which was now mine.

16 minutes later.......

Finally I can get out of this damn car. I walked to the school still thinking about my mom's words. I either walked into the gate or someone cuz that is the hardest thing I ever hit. I fell down trying to pick up my things. Someone lowered his head down and smirked. I know that smirk from any where......that was Dee's smirk?!

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