Moving On To The Next One

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Moving on to another is a hard thing to do after you spent so much time in one relationship trying to make it something that its not, something it will never be but something you've wanted since you started dating, Perfection. You want this so bad but no matter who u date and try to find it just doesnt come.... Anyway thats just my philosophy.

Sup brah.... I was being interrupted by the new student he seemed cool and cute but idk he was just alil different... Like straight different lol

Um hi.... Who are u

Im Chris wbu

Im Darrion. I take it your the new student huh?

Yea i just moved here from CherryHill i went to CherryHill West

Thats wussup... Ig

Yea but anyway i wanted to know what classroom this teacher is in i have to go there next and as i said before im new and idk my way around here just yet so can u tell me where this is.

Yea um thats tornese im about to go there right now its spanish 2 ill show u there just follow me to the class... So we walked to her class and we kinda just talked he told ne about his old school and what was up and how many siblings he had and his instagram. Through all that he kinda made me feel better inside because he was being nice to me maybe because he didnt know i was gay yet or maybe he did but he just didnt care, im hoping he didnt care because i wanted to be friends. Hopefully he wanted to be friends to.

Are you in the middle of thought bro?

Huh... What.. Um yea i was thinking about some stuff because im just alil heart broken still and i was just thinking about if u wanted to be friends with me🙈🙈.... I didnt mean to say that um... Sorry.

Haha wow bro um yea of course i wanna be friends with you. You seem like a really cool dude bro.

Awe thx.

Your welcome bro😉.

Did he just wink at me.... Oh shit get it Darrion get it🙊... My inner thoughts were loud asf in my brain but my eyes did see what he just did he winked at me and i just stood there like a fool.....

Are u ok? He asked

Yea im good just thinking about somethi-.... I was cut off in mid sentence because i saw the worst thing.... The thing i didnt wanna see what i wanted to just be over with; Rico and Dyahvion, the 🙅 and the hoe i call a brother.....

Ok i can tell something is wrong u have that look like your ready to cry or snap on someone.... Someone cheated on you right.

Yea how did you know?

Thats was the same state i was in... The girl cheated on me with my brother and i saw them in the hallway and wanted to kill her and him but i didnt.... Eventually i got over it because it just became irrelevant......... Chris just kept talking i kinda wasnt paying attention i was just staring at him he was really cute plus his pics on Instagram was on fleek💁. His hair was nicely cut... His abs was on point from what i saw on Instagram and he seemed like a cool ass nigga..... Well he was white so cracker😂😂😂😂 bur anyway... He was helping me move on from the break-up that i really needed to get over, the one person i needed to get over,Rico🙅.....

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