Interrupted By An Akuma Otherwise Known As A Normal Tuesday In Paris

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Author's Note: DON'T KILL ME! if I got the dc character's wrong, I'm sorry. It's my first time writing them and I only know their personalities from the cartoons like young justice, fanfiction, wiki and the small number of comics I've read.

Paris wasn't happy but it's not like they could express that, there was an event going on which was full of journalists who were from all over the world which meant if an Akuma were to happen, it would make worldwide news in a matter of hours.

Paris was aware that hawkmoth was a villain that should be known worldwide but they had tried that years ago by sending the justice league video of the events and calls for help but because of the miraculous cure fixing everything, they were told to stop sending fake calls and blocked so no they had been dealing with this four years now, they had their own heroes who could and would handle this, they had no need for the so-called heroes that made up the justice league.

Clark was bored, nothing important was happening in Metropolis so he was stuck in Paris listening to awards be given out for the next three hours. The event was for awards given to people who were considered heroes due to their charity work and new ideas on how to improve the world. That meant Bruce was here as well so he wasn't the only league member suffering.

"You look bored Smallville," said Lois who was busy writing notes,

"You could say that" replied Clark with a sigh,

"Well not everywhere can be as exciting as Metropolis or Gotham" retorted Lois glancing at Bruce,

"Yeah that's true but I still don't get why we had to do this event?" Clark questioned,

"Because the other reporters had stories already or were ill" answered Lois, "It's only one event and anyway were can spend rest of the time tour Paris since I doubt you've been here before".

Clark just hummed in agreement as he went back to taking notes as the next Award winner was called. The winner only had a chance to grab the award before an Alarm started blearing and a policeman took the mic from the host. "Everyone remains calm, this is just the Akuma alarm if you follow the police instructions in order to get to one of the shelters you will be okay," the man said pointing to the rest of the police who had entered one of the double doors.

Obviously there were people who were yelling in panic and running over to where the police were but most were just confused and followed the instructions calmly. "Do you know what's happening, Bruce?" questioned Clark as he went over to join him away from the crowd, "no, this was not something that came up when I investigated the security of this place" Bruce muttered looking annoyed as he pulled out his phone.

"Will you three please leave" yelled on the police at Clark, Bruce and Lois who was filming the event on her phone. Before Clark could reply, he was cut off by red blur crashing through the glass window at the entrance of the event.

"Ladybug" yelled the same office running over to the person, "I'm fine officer but you need to get the guest out of here, this is the Akuma target" replied the red blur who was, in fact, a teenage girl dressed in red and black spotted spandex that was black at the back, stomach and legs and red with black spots at the feet, chest and arms. She also wore a black and red jacket with spots, had short hair, red and black spotted mask and wore stud earrings. The girl had claw-like scratches on her face that looked fresh.

"Get out of her" Ladybug yelled as she threw what looked like a yo-yo towards the broken window, it hooked on a metal beam and the girl swung forward as she kicked someone with a hammer in the face and out the window, hitting the concrete outside with a loud crack. "All of you out" the police yelled as he pulled the trio toward the exit where the rest of the guest had left.

"Who was that?" question Lois as the trio was pushed into the room that was currently holding the other guest. The man didn't answer as he focused his attention on the project screen which was currently showing an emergency broadcast.

Clark looked the video being shown, there the girl along with other teenagers dressed up in animal-like costumes, three boys dressed in a dragon, fox, cat while girls were dressed as a snake, what appeared to be a bee and the ladybug girl. The group was fighting a cat-like woman who was wielding a large hammer which she used to throw the teens into buildings and the concrete streets.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, Reynard, Medusa, Vouivre, Guêpe are dealing with the Akuma named Tomcat please stay away from the area at all costs as there have already been a few civilian casualties and just because the miraculous cure can bring you back does not mean you can go running into an Akuma attack" The newscaster stated, the last part seemed like dig at someone but no one seemed to notice.

"Their Paris heroes" stated Bruce looking up from his phone,

"What?" asked Clark confused on why they had never heard of them,

"They've been active for four years apparently" Bruce continued as he showed Clark a news blog called Miraculous Out that seemed to be dedicated to hero news,

"How come we didn't know?" Clark questioned confused because normally the Daily Planet was one of the first ones to write about new heroes but to not know about a team of heroes for five years and ones that the justice league hadn't heard about was confusing.

"Apparently Paris heroes tried to make themselves to the justice league but were called fake due to the 'miraculous cure' fix the destruction of the Akuma and were told to stop playing pranks then were blocked" answered Lois who finally got one of the police to talk to her, "Ladybug and Chat Noir was the first and main heroes before they chose more, they had temporary heroes before their id got out so were canned for good then a few months ago the other four others were chosen recently and are now permanent".

"Which member of the league blocked them because I doubt Batman or Superman or Wonder Women knew about it?" asked Clark looking at Bruce who seemed to be angrily texting someone, probably the rest of the league,

"They don't know because they never got a name on the emails" responded Lois who was closely watching the news as the heroes managed to grab the Monster's collar with the cat hero turning it to dust in seconds with a purple butterfly flying away from the dust before getting captured by Ladybug's yo-yo and turn pure white when leaving the yo-yo. The snake hero passed what looked like a small toy mouse to Ladybug only for them to throw in the air with the item turning into tiny ladybugs as they flew around reversing the damage.

"Wow, the rest of the heroes could use powers like that" stated Lois,

"Yeah" agreed Clark as he got a text from Bruce saying that they would need to find those heroes later tonight to have a chat with them but for now just gather as much info as they could. 

Author's Note: Hey, I've wanted to write a miraculous ladybug and dc crossover for a while now because I like the idea of it but I don't have an exact plot at the moment so updates will be slow while I figure it out.

dragon → vouivre:

wasp → guêpe: google translate 

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