Chapter Six

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As more people run to the woman's aid, the man draws a gun and starts shooting people. Elizabeth draws her gun and starts running towards the man. 'Chicago P.D! Release the woman!' The man points his gun at Elizabeth.




The man is shot in the shoulder. He releases the woman and falls to the floor. The woman runs to Elizabeth.

'Get behind me.' Elizabeth tells the woman who does as she's told. Elizabeth looks to her right and sees Jay slowly walking towards the man, ordering him to stay down. Elizabeth lowers her gun and puts in back in her holster before turning to face the woman. 'M'am, are you okay?' 

'I am now.' The woman nods. 'He killed people.' The woman says, looking around at the lifeless bodies on the floor. 'This is all my fault.' 

'No,' Elizabeth shakes her head, 'none of this is your fault,' she adds, 'I want you to stay here until an ambulance and my colleagues get here. They'll want to speak to you and you need to get checked over.' Ambulances and police cars swarm the park. Patrol officers start moving people out of the park to cordon it off. 

'Liza?' Elizabeth hears Mouse's voice. 

'Give me a minute.' Elizabeth tells the woman. The woman nods and Elizabeth walks to Mouse who is a few meters behind the woman with Aaron and Harper. 'I told you to stay by the swings with the kids.' 

'They heard the gunshots and got scared.' Mouse tells her. 'They wanted their mommy. Are you okay?'

'I'm fine.' Elizabeth nods. 

'How bad is it?' Mouse queries. 

'It's bad.' Elizabeth nods. 'Quite a few dead, god knows how many injured. Take the kids out the back entrance of the park and take them to the Pizzeria around the corner. The one with the kiddie play area.' 

'I know the one.' Mouse nods laughing. 

'I'll meet you there once I've finished up here.' Elizabeth says. She looks at Aaron. 'Uncle Mousey is going to take you to get some pizza. I'll meet you there in a little bit okay?'

'No!' Aaron says scared. 'Come with us.' Elizabeth sinks down in front of him. 

'Mommy's fine.' Elizabeth reassures him. 'Mommy wasn't hurt.' She continues. 'Mommy just has to make sure everyone is okay and the bad man goes to prison.' 

'Do you promise you'll come and have pizza with us?' Aaron asks.

'I promise.' Elizabeth nods and laughs. Aaron hugs her and Elizabeth wraps her arms around him.

'I love you, mommy.' Aaron whispers.

'I love you too, bud.' Elizabeth whispers back. Aaron lets go of her and Elizabeth stands up.

'Let's go and get pizza then monkey.' Mouse tells Aaron. Aaron holds onto the handle of Harper's stroller. 

'See you later baby.' Elizabeth kisses the top of Harper's head.

'Stay safe.' Mouse raises his eyebrow at Elizabeth. 

'Always am.' Elizabeth smiles before watching Mouse walk away with Aaron and pushing Harper. Elizabeth turns around and sees the woman talking to some patrol officers. Jay walks up to her.

'Thanks for that earlier.' Elizabeth thanks for him.

'That's what partners are for.' Jay smiles.

'What are you doing here anyway?' Elizabeth questions.

'I was on my way back to the precinct from lunch and saw what was going on. Thought you could use the help.' He responds. 

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