Chapter Four

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Jay and Elizabeth walk into the ED at Chicago Med. Voight is waiting by the nurse's station so they walk up to him.

'We dropped the evidence off at the district on our way here.' Elizabeth informs him.

'Good.' Voight nods. 'You did a good job.'

'Is there any update on the case?' Jay asks.

'That's actually why I called you guys here instead of having you go home.' Voight tells them. 'About two hours ago, a man matching Williamson's description was hit by a car and brought in. There was no official identification on his body. He currently in a coma.'

'You want me to confirm that it's him.' Elizabeth catches on.

'Yeah.' Voight nods. 'He's on the ICU. The nurses up there are expecting us. Are you okay to do identification?'

'Yeah.' Elizabeth nods.

'Let's go.' Voight says. Voight, Elizabeth and Jay all walk up to the intensive care unit. When they do, Dr Crockett Marcel is waiting for them. 'Dr Marcel, this is Detective Maxwell.' Voight introduces Elizabeth to the doctor. 'Detective Maxwell, this is Dr Marcel, he's a trauma surgeon here at Chicago Med.' Crockett and Elizabeth shake hands.

'Elizabeth, everyone calls me Liza.' Elizabeth states.

'Crockett.' Crockett nods. 'If you'll follow me, I'll take you to where we're keeping John Doe.' Elizabeth nods and she follows Crockett to a room with Jay and Voight following them. They stop at the door and look in.

'That's him.' Elizabeth nods. 'That's Jamie Williamson.'

'What's his prognosis like?' Jay queries.

'It's not looking good.' Crockett shakes his head. 'He had massive internal bleeding. He's still actively bleeding at the moment. We've done everything that we can but-'

'He's going to bleed to death.' Elizabeth finishes.

'Yeah.' Crockett confirms. 'We've made him as comfortable as we can.'

'The last thing he deserves is comfort as he dies.' Elizabeth scoffs.

'I'm sorry?' Crockett asks confused.

'He's suspected of killing hundreds of people.' Jay replies.

'He's not a suspect. He did kill all those people.' Elizabeth corrects her friend. Elizabeth notices that Crockett looks even more confused. 'You know the warehouse fire that happened earlier?' Elizabeth asks and he nods. 'He's the one that started it. M.O matched quite a few fires and bombings in Seattle. All evidence pointed to him but we couldn't make the case.' She finishes.

'Did he have any personal belongings?' Jay asks.

'He did.' Crockett nods. 'A backpack.'

'Can we take a look at it?' Elizabeth questions. Crockett hesitates. 'Just tell me where it is and look the other way.'

'Under the bed.' Marcel tells them quietly before walking away. Elizabeth takes some crime scene gloves out of her pocket and puts them on. She walks into the room, gets the backpack from under the bed and walks back out to Jay and Voight.

'What are you looking for?' Jay asks her.

'I won't know until I find it.' Elizabeth says. They walk over to the nurse's station and Elizabeth places the bag on the desk. She opens it up and starts rummaging through it. 'That's odd.' Elizabeth says under her breath. 'The lining of the bag is newly sewn.' She says. She takes a pocket knife out of her jacket pocket and cuts open the lining of the bag and takes out a piece of paper. She unfolds it and reads it.

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