𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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"What?" I said in confusion as I moved his face and sat up. "Come here Marinette," He cooed as he leaned closer. I got up and he tried pulling me down again but before he could, my senses kicked in and I grabbed his arm and flipped him to the floor. "Listen closely Luka, I don't know who you think you are waltzing into my life like this, thinking that you can use me as your rebound to get over someone," I snapped, while twisting his arm slightly making him groan in pain.

"God, it hasn't even been a full day Luka," I shouted at him. I then look up at everyone who was just staring at me, shocked. When my eyes landed on Marinette's, I finally got out of it and noticed what I was doing. I stood up, grabbed my things and ran off the boat. Being here was a mistake.

Adrien's POV

Luka and (Y/n) were about to kiss and I don't know why but the thought of that made me uncomfortable. Just when I was about to walk to sit down next to Kagami, I heard Luka call (Y/n)... Marinette. Wrong move my dude, wrong move. I don't think Luka was over Marinette yet, but then again, it all happened 3 years ago.

All of the sudden, (Y/n) flipped Luka onto the deck and pinned him down. Hey that reminded me of the first time I met her, okay not now Adrien. (Y/n) was yelling at Luka, but I can hear the pain and disappointment in her voice. She grabbed her things and ran out. I wanted to stay and clean up, but I don't know why my instincts told me to follow (Y/n). I dropped everything and was about to go after her.

"A-Adrien? Where are you going?" Kagami asked, pulling my sleeve. "I'm going after (Y/n)," I said, forcing her hands off me. "No. Stay with me here. We can look for her later," "Isn't she your friend Kagami? How could you just leave a friend when she needs you the most," I brushed her hands off me and ran off after (Y/n). "Adrien that's not what I-" before I could listen to her, I knew that I had to get out of there as soon as possible.

Right after I left the boat, (Y/n) was no where to be found. I kept looking for her though, in hopes that she was safe. It was quite dark so it was harder for my vision to properly work, but I kept running trying to find her. "Maybe she already went home," I thought to myself as I was on my way to go sit at the bench and catch my breath.

Without looking where I was going, I accidentally stumbled down and sprained my ankle. I groaned in pain and tried to contain it all in while getting up. I suddenly felt a hand helping me up back onto my feet again.

"(Y/n)! Where were you? I was worried about you," I placed my hands on her shoulders and she backed away. "You were looking for.. me?" she replied back looking up at me. "Of course I was! You're my friend!" I smiled while stroking her hair. "You're hurt... because of me," "No it not your fault haha I was just clumsy that's all!" I reassured her. "You idiot. How are you still laughing and smiling in your situation," she yelled. "Well why aren't you crying? You're obviously hurt from Luka," I blurted. She remained quiet.

Holy shit Adrien, why did you say that. She's going to hate you for sure now. "Look (Y/n), I'm sorry I don't know why I said that," I apologized. "No.. you're right Adrien. I am hurt from Luka, but it's... it's not worth crying over. Plus things were moving too quickly. It was just a measly crush, that's all. I'll get over it," she forced a smile upon her face which just made me sad. "Hey hey no need to pity me," she chuckled softly, slapping my back.

"OW!" I exaggeratedly yelled. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I didn't even slap that hard," she mumbled making me laugh. She looked up at me in confusion and just stared at me. "I was joking! It didn't hurt at all see?" "Are you sure?" She came closer which made me blush. "1000% sure!" I reassured, buffing up and looking strong. She still had the look of worry on her face and pouted at me.

(Y/n)'s POV

I helped Adrien walk over to the bench and we just sat there in silence for a while. The sounds that surrounded us were so peaceful: water from the fountain flowing, chirping from the insects nearby, and the faint sounds of cars passing. "(Y/n), if you ever need to talk, you have me," Adrien mumbled quietly, catching my attention. "O-oh... thank you Adrien. You're always such a good friend to me. I don't know if I deserve it honestly haha," I quietly chuckled to myself and I looked up at the sky.

"What? Are you kidding? If anyone deserves to have amazing friends for them, it's you. You deserve so much," "So do you! Come on, you deserve the best!" We both laughed and deeply sighed. "Hey Adrien?" I asked, looking up at him. "Yeah, what's up?" "Do you mind if I put my head on your shoulders?" He was taken aback at first, but ended up nodding his head. I sighed heavily and rested my eyes. "Thank you Adrien... for just being here with me, keeping me company," I yawned as I started falling asleep.

"Hey... you don't wanna sleep here. I'll take you home," he whispered as he poked my shoulders which woke me right up. "You're still hurt though," I stood up, waiting for him. "No see I'm perfectly fine," Adrien scoffed and stood up, only to fall back down. I laughed at him and he gave me a playful glare. "How about this: I walk you home," I said to him, offering my hand out. "No way! That's not the right way to do it," "There is no right way. If you're not going to take my hands, I'll just call Kagami to get you then," I snickered as I slowly turn to walk away.

"Wait don't do that! I'll...." "you'll?" "I'll go with you," he mumbled under his breath. "What I'm sorry I cant hear you," I walked back, leaning in closer. "I'LL GO WITH YOU!" He shouted into my ears. "No need to shout Agreste," I breathed out a laugh and grabbed his arms to help him up off the bench. "You didn't have to help me. I had it under control," he pouted which just made me roll my eyes back in response seeing that he was definitely in pain.

"Don't worry I got this," I reassured him, still lifting him up. As we walked down the streets of Paris, with nothing but the lamp posts being our only light, we heard a car pulling up beside us... it was my bodyguard. "Miss, get in we have to go," he commanded, walking out to get the door for me. "But my friend, we have to get him home first," "Very well, but we mustn't waste time." With that being said, Adrien and I got into the car and dropped him off at home.

"Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience Adrien," "It's no problem at all (Y/n). Just let me know if you get home safely okay?" he smiled. I got up out of the car and gave him a hug, his scent still lingering on me.

Adrien's POV

As (Y/n) rode off, Plagg finally came out of my pocket smirking at me. "Well well well... aren't you crushing," he kept nudging at my shoulders which just made me laugh. "Oh stop it Plagg. She's just a friend that's all," I shrugged as I made my inside. "Adrien, my guy, you're on cloud 9 right now. I haven't seen this look on you since... Ladybug," he gasped dramatically at me.

"Well I suppose she's just... a very special friend,"

[DISCONT.] Our Stars (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang