After few minutes, he got a reply.

I won't. Thanks. And sorry. Get well soon. I'll see you at the uni.

Taehyung was back in university after 3 days. His hand is in a cast so it was bit uncomfortable to work but he didn't want to stay at home. He came to work with Namjoon.

When Taehyung goes to the class, he sees Jungkook there with his pink haired friend. He smiles at Jungkook and gets a small smile in return. He doesn't want to push Jungkook as he feels something in botheing the younger boy.

Few days later Jungkook sees Taehyung coming out of the office, struggling with some files and he immediately goes to him.

"Hey!! Need any help??"

"Yeah. Can you hold these for me? I need to call a cab. Joonie hyung will be late today."

"Cab?? I can drop you if you want"

"You sure?? Alright then."

They walked in silence to Jungkook's car. Jungkook put the files in to the back seat before opening the passenger door for Taehyung.

"So how's studies? You are studying business right?"

"Yeah. Dad wants me to join his business. He was made partner last year."

"I know. Earlier I saw your mother sometimes when she comes to see my mother. But not so much after they moved. They still call each other often though"

"Really!! I didn't know they kept in touch." Jungkook was surprised. His mom never told him anything about Taehyung.

They reached Taehyung's house and Jungkook helped carry all the stuff inside. Taehyung's apartment was specious and clean. You could see photos hanged on wall, floor, pretty much everywhere.

"Are these all yours? They are beautiful." Jungkook said while looking at the photos. Taehyung nodded in confirmation.

"Stay for lunch. I have some stuff my mom dropped off. Let me heat them. Make yourself comfortable."

"You don't have to do that. I can just go. Don't strain your hand."

"What about me then? Should I just starve Kookie?"

"Ha ha ha. Alright then. Lunch it is."

Jungkook went exploring in the house while Taehyung prepared the food. It had 2 room and both had photos inside. There were some photos that were in Taehyung's room that were Jungkook's.

Teenage Jungkook looked so happy in those. His eyes were filled with love and promise. Jungkook could see his younger self looking at the camera lens with so much emotions for the cameraman and felt his eyes tearing.

"Come on Kookie. Food is ready." Taehyung said softly from the door. Together they went to have lunch in silence.

Few weeks pass by without any incident. Jungkook and Taehyung are polite to eachother but nothing more. Jungkook seems to be hesitant about something and Taehyung patiently waits for him.

On a friday night Jungkook's friends decided to go to a club. They were all busy with exams and now wants to have fun. Coincidently Bogum calls and asks for a night out so Taehyung and lisa are in the same club as well.

Taehyung sees Hoseok and Jimin at the dance floor and immediately looks for Jungkook. He notice Jungkook sitting at the bar with Yoongi.

Taehyung has no idea about the younger's alcohol tolerance because he has never seen Jungkook drinking. He assumes it's high because Jungkook is emptying glass after glass.

Taehyung see Jimin comes from the dance floor and pulling Yoongi to dance with him. Yoongi keeps resisting and Jimin slightly bumps in to another man in the process.

"Hey watch where you are going!!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. Sorry." Jimin apologise with a smile. The man then stops to speak with Jimin.

"No worries beautiful. Are you alone? Do you want to dance??" Man asks and grabs Jimin hand and Jimin is shocked.

"He's with his boyfriend." Yoongi immediately pulls Jimin to himself. "Come on baby. Let's go dance." Both of them goes to the dance floor and joins Hoseok while the man and his friend sit at the bar. Jungkook can hear them talking.

"Isn't he a cute one?"

"Jackson please. Don't make trouble here. Didn't the other guy say he's the boyfriend."

"So I have one too.  I'm not asking him to be my boyfriend. I was just wondering if he wants to have fun."

"I don't think so. He doesn't seem like the type. Let's just enjoy ourselves shall we."

"Well maybe we can give him something to change his mind. He won't remember what happened anyway. I really want....."

The man was not able to say what he really wanted because Jungkook punched him on the face.

A/N - sorry for the cliffhanger. Next one will be updated soon.

I Still Belong To You - Taekook Love Story Where stories live. Discover now