4. A New Start

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Chirping of birds woke Minghao up

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Chirping of birds woke Minghao up. It wasn't late anyway. It was just 8 in the morning. He had somehow managed 4 hours of sleep. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked around. He had completely forgotten for a moment that he wasn't in the comforts of Mingyu's apartment and was actually back in his old shack. He coughed. His throat hurt a bit. "Damn, walking in the rain wasn't a good idea..", he whispered to himself. He didn't even feel hungry though the ramen he ate was almost 8 hours ago. He reached into his bag and pulled out some water and sipped on it slowly trying to soothe his aching throat. If not enough, his head was aching too.

Minghao finally decided to head out. Just to maybe clear his head, find a part time job or something so he could start earning money to keep himself going...alone. He descended down the narrow staircase and walked out to the street.

It was a fresh and lovely morning. It was slightly cloudy and a cool breeze blew making Minghao smile a little as it soothed his body. Birds were chirping around happily and people were already out on the road. He spotted some high school girls giggling about something as they walked, an old couple taking a relaxing morning walk, some men heading off to the station to go for work and he also saw women out for shopping or work and so on. Still his eyes searched around for one person, even though he obviously wouldn't be out on the street this early, Minghao looked around for some reason.

He still loved Mingyu even if Mingyu didn't love him back. Even after all he'd done, after all Mingyu was the one who'd allowed him to stay for a month and a half when he couldn't pay rent anymore.

Minghao spotted a café and walked over to it. It had a small paper displayed outside saying:

F∆lling Fløwer C∆fé-
•°Wanted: Barista/Waiter°•
°•Timely payment•°
•°Open 7 AM - 10 PM°•
°•Salary: 3000 Won per month•°

"Hmm, not a bad idea, I have worked in a café before too so giving this a try won't hurt I guess..", Minghao thought. He pushed open the door and walked to the counter to talk to the manager. He was greeted by a guy who was about his height but a little chubby and he wore a black and yellow striped shirt under his apron.
'Hoshi' read his name tag.

"Welcome!! Nice to see a regular customer so early in the morning, it's usually students at this time!" Hoshi said smiling. Minghao immediately liked him. He had a warm vibe to him.
"So what can I getchyaa?" He asked.
"Actually I'm here to apply for the wanted application outside.." Minghao said slowly.

Hoshi's eyes lit up when he heard this.
"Oh that's great!! Jeonghan is already lazy enough and now if you're here then we can probably do better." He beamed.

"I heard that you asshat. I'm not lazy, my body just dosent have the ability to work without taking a break every 5 minutes." said a guy coming out from the staff cabin. He had short black hair and looked really handsome.

"Oh Hi, I'm Jeonghan, the co-manager of this place I guess? My boyfriend is running late again and he literally IS the manager but here we are." He said exparratedly rolling his eyes. Minghao chuckled.

This guy literally reminded him of a judgmental grandmother. "I see...so about the job...am I accepted or?" He stuttered awkwardly. "Yeah bruh of cour-" Hoshi started but Jeonghan cut him off.

"Wait. Do you have any kind of experience in this job because the last time a guy called Seungkwan who had basically no experience joined and he ended up telling the customers how bad their fashion sense was and also drank two of their orders. Well now he's better, so if you need some training or like?" He finished.

Minghao laughed at that. He hadn't laughed in a really long time. "No thankfully you wouldn't have to go through that with me..I have worked in a café for about a year before." Minghao said reassuringly.
"Oh alright then, you can start today itself." Jeonghan said as he and Hoshi led him inside.

The café had a beautiful and aesthetic vibe to it. Soft music played from the speakers and the tables and chairs were all a comfortable shade of peach and brown with softly glowing lanterns hung around and small paintings of flowers decorating the walls. It smelled of Cocoa and donuts in here. Minghao could see why this café was so popular.

"So would you like to work the morning shift or the evening shift? The night shift is already taken by Seungkwan and Jihoon because Seungkwan still has university and Jihoon won't wake up before 5 pm." Hoshi asked. "Uh I guess I'll go with the evening shift because I'm not really a morning person either.." Minghao said. "Ah come on man, I love mornings, they shine just like me!" Hoshi said proudly. Minghao let out a low chuckle and smiled at him. "Here's your Apron, what's your name again? I'll have to mark a nametag." Jeonghan said. "Xu Minghao" He said. "Oh you're not Korean?" Hoshi asked surprised to hear his name. "Nope, I'm from Anshan, China." He replied.

"Ah I could notice your accent change. That's nice, and it's also great to meet you." Jeonghan said, writing out his name on a tag with a permanent white marker and handing it to him. "Evening shift starts at 4.30 PM, so you can go home or stay in the staff cabin because that's what most of us do anyway. And Jihoon's brother is in there too." Hoshi told him. At the word 'home" Minghao finally remembered his current situation. He could go back to the shack but he decided to stay at the café. "Uhh I think I'll stay for now and like get used to this place I guess?" He said. "Ah sure, you can go do whatever in the staff cabin,just don't accidentally touch Jihoon's stuff. The guy is short but his temper is shorter." Jeonghan warned.

At that minute another man stumbled hurriedly into the café. "Sorry I'm late again!! I thought my cat was dead but she was sleeping so I drove 2 miles to the hospital for nothing." He said quickly.

When he finally gathered his composure, Minghao took a good look at him. He was tall and quite handsome too. The guy noticed him and also the name tag. "Oh Hi, my name is Seungcheol and I'm the manager of this place, nice to meet you." He said extending his hand. Minghao shook his hand smiling. "I'm Minghao, I'm starting here today, glad to meet you too." He said. Seungcheol smiled and that's when he caught Jeonghan's glare.

"5th time this week. 5th, Cheol." He said in a fed up tone. "Hey look, I can't abandon a poor frog on the road and on Monday I thought it was Sunday and-" He started to explain but Jeonghan placed a hand over his mouth. "Okay babe, I get it, get behind the counter now. I have to do my hair again." He said and walked away. Seungcheol sighed. He walked behind a counter and switched on the TV watching some comedy show by doni and coni or something Minghao couldn't make out.
"He really is an old man." Hoshi said. "Oh let's go inside, my shift starts at 11 so we can probably hang out in the cabin with Jihoon's brother." He suggested. Minghao nodded and followed him. This was finally a new start he thought.

A/N: Hao and me have the same birthplace oWo, okay tmi, also ik this chap was boring but kaksjsnns wait for it.

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