ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 11。ᵀᴿᴬᴵᴺᴵᴺᴳ + ᴷᴵᴿᴬ'ˢ ᴾᴸᴬᴺ。

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Let me be honest with you, training was more exhausting than practicing. Learning the spells and abilities took me quite some time as memorizing can be a difficulty for myself. Based on what the boys had told me, every vampire have basic abilities but also special ones that only one in the group that they stay with possesses. The basic abilities would be superhuman speed, supernatural hearing, shape shifting, teleportation and superhuman strength. Namjoon has telekinesis (controlling objects), Jin has aerokinesis (controlling wind), Yoongi has hypnotism (controlling minds), Hoseok has chlorokinesis (controlling nature), Jimin has animal manipulation (controlling animals), Taehyung has hydrokinesis (controlling water) and Jungkook has pyrokinesis (controlling fire). Bangtan doesn't really know what mine is yet because I have just recently turned and it usually would take about a week to find out. They do suspect though, that my ability would be time manipulation (controlling time).

 "Come on Y/N! You got this, try harder!" After they had taught me some spells, they made me go against them. One by one. Currently, I'm up against Jin cause they said that he goes easy on newbies.. I'm kind of already losing to him not gonna lie. I got up from the ground, where Jin had used wind to push me down and put my game face on. He just had a smirk on his face as he signaled me to come and try him. "No more fooling around." I growled and charged at him and as he was about to deliver a smack on my face, I ducked using super speed and used super strength to punch him on the stomach. I knew I punched hard but didn't know that I did it so powerfully that Jin was sent flying towards Namjoon. "Sheesh Y/N, that hurts!" Jin pouted as he got up and apologized to Namjoon who fell with him.  "Oops, sorry oppa.." "It's okay, someone else go." I ended up beating everyone even if I noticed that they weren't trying to the maximum/full out. "Good job Y/N. Now let's take a break as we're all tired and practice for the BBMAs!" Yoongi announced as he pat my back. "We're performing 'Fake Love' and that's it right?" "Yup, the other moments that we're gonna be there are to enjoy the other artists' performances and maybe interactions!" Hoseok smiled at me. "Ooh, can't wait! I've been a fan for a lot of western artists recently." 


Practice was over by a blink as we've already gone through the choreography and are already synchronized. All we needed to do is to make our moves a bit cleaner but Hoseok helped us with that. "I can't believe that the BBMAs is literally next Wednesday!" "Yeah, I know right. We get to skip school again haha!" Jimin and Taehyung were bickering while we were in the living room just spending our leisure time. "How long are we gonna stay in America by the way oppas?" Yoongi, who was next to me ruffled my hair as I glared at him playfully for messing up my hard work. "We're probably gonna be back to Korea by next Sunday so we get to relax a bit." Namjoon replied as I closed my eyes and imagined the scene that was bound to happen, where everyone would be really happy without getting disturbed. "Ugh, finally some peaceful time where I get to escape all the stress given by Kira." "You deserve it Y/N, all of us just have to be patient for a few more days."

"Wait, I realized that I forgot to tell you guys something.. remember the phone call that I had with my best friend before I was rudely interrupted?" Everyone rolled their eyes at my question while I was trying hard not to laugh. "It was an important issue Y/N. But yeah, we remember.. is something going to happen?" "Well, it's just that they're going to visit on Monday to catch up with me and hang out a bit.. will it be possible?" "Of course it would be fine Y/N, just remember to prioritize the rehearsals first and do that in your free time." Jungkook gave me a small smile while I hugged all of them. "I know I keep saying this but you guys are seriously the best ever.. WAIT-" I shouted, nearly giving everyone a heart attack in the process. "You need to learn to control your speech volume Y/N!" "Hehe sorry, I just wanna ask another question." "Shoot!" Hoseok energetically flashed me an encouraging smile.

 "Can we invite people to award shows?" "Well, sort of.. okay yes. They would be put into a special guest list and would be seated in a different location compared to the normal audience." "Then can I take my best friends with us to the US and invite them to the BBMAs? I'll feel so guilty if I don't, because they've told me that they always wanted to experience a concert. I know it's not really the same, but there are performances from well-known artists and that explains it all." "They're your best friends Y/N. Of course you can! We have to talk to the management about the plane tickets though, but I'm pretty sure they would understand and accept your request." "Phew, I'm so relieved that I got all that out of the way and that you guys were so eager to answer my questions.. are we gonna go for another round of practice?" "You know us well Y/N, let's get back to the dance room!" 


"So, where are we going Kira?" One of my girls asked me as I replied with a mischievous grin. "You'll see, I've got connections from a friend to a guy who manages and own weaponry.. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I borrowed something for a short period of time." "So.. you trust this guy even though you do not know him well? Don't you think it's a bit shady?" "Why not? I'm sure you also wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to seek revenge on your most hated enemy while also winning the hearts of those you love. Once I get rid of her, they would realize how I am the true 8th member of BTS! Now shut up, you're ruining my mood." All of them shut their mouths as I let out a satisfied hum, walking a little more till we reached an abandoned warehouse. I approached the entrance with the girls behind me looking scared, cowards. I knocked approximately 5 times before a CCTV camera moved and a speaker asked, "Who is it?" "Yeah, I came from a friend and am willing to make a deal with Hong Hyunki." The speaker went silent, as if the one controlling it was thinking. "Deal you say..? interesting. Come on in." The door automatically opened and we stepped into the building.

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