Dream Journalism

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One month in, things were starting to get rather samey for Golf Ball. She'd been dedicating herself to this project very passionately, but at this stage it was starting to grow tiring and, to an extent, frustrating. She didn't yet feel as if she had collected enough data to draw any definitive conclusions, however. Tennis Ball readily disagreed with that notion, though likely only out of concern for her health. Golf Ball, though, knew how complex an analysis of one's mind could be, and knew from the start how much of a commitment this project would be. That being said, she still couldn't help but feel bored with it. There's been some rather fun and wacky dreams she's gotten to hear about, but it's almost started to become predictable, and even analyzing what she's noted at the end of the day has grown rather mundane. Even still, however, she kept at it. She was stubborn, and she was dedicated, and she wasn't going to give up now.

In fact, Golf Ball couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement as she awaited her first client for the day. Despite having gone through this process for four weeks now, this would be the first time they participated in the experiment. G.B. wasn't quite sure what made them change their mind so readily, given how much they insisted on not wanting to get involved, but the little ball certainly wouldn't complain. The oh-so elusive Book was one that piqued the scientist's interests. Each and every single object has properties unique to them just by nature of being objects, and Book was many of whom with properties that were entirely unknown. The aspect of learning about the inner workings of an object as unique as her interested Golf Ball greatly, and to have her involved in a project that deals with one's mind was the perfect opportunity to explore that interest.

Golf Ball didn't have to wait for very long before the gentle creak of the door silenced the quiet in the room. Turning towards it, Golf Ball spotted the object of the hour standing right within the doorway: Book.

"I'm assuming this is the right place?"

"YOU WOULD BE CORRECT! PLEASE, HAVE A SEAT." Golf Ball gestured toward the couch chair in the center of the room. Book tentatively made her way over, taking a seat as instructed.

The two-toned object glanced around the room, taking in its astonishing blandness. The environment was almost scary to her; it felt more befitting of an interrogation room than one meant for scientific interview.

"So..." she looked back towards Golf Ball, who was quickly setting aside a stack of sheets. "How exactly is this supposed to work?"

"HM?" G.B. glanced over towards Book. "OH. YOU DON'T KNOW?"

"Well, I know what the study is about at least, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do."



A moment was given, and Golf Ball was then ready to proceed. Equipped with her glasses and trusty notepad, she sat perched on her chair facing towards her client. "ALRIGHT! ALL I NEED IS FOR YOU TO RECOUNT ANY OF YOUR DREAMS SO THAT IT CAN BE RECORDED FOR LATER ANALYSIS."

"Oh! That's simple enough... but I won't need to tell you anything!" Gesturing towards her inner pages, Book continued, "I am a dream journal, after all!"

"O-OH!" G.B. was rather taken aback by this; she wasn't expecting it at all. "AHEM... ARE YOU IMPLYING I LOOK INTO YOUR PAGES?"

"Yup!" Book answered enthusiastically, to which Golf Ball raised a brow.


"Positively! There's a lot of dreams recorded in me that I couldn't possibly retell; it'd take far too long! Besides, I have some control over what I can show."

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