Getting some help

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Inside Master Fu's house, instead of de-transforming, Icebug goes inside his house.
Ladybug: Master Fu, Cat Noir and I are dealing with a new villain and my lucky charm told me to come here.

Master Fu: I see. What an interesting costume.

Icebug: I know I'm supposed to de-transform, but I didn't have the time to do it.

Master Fu: Never mind that. Well, let's see what we can do. *He pushed two buttons and the dragon's eyes started to glow red, he put in the code, the record player started to open, and he got out the miracle box. Outside of his house, Ice Noir skated to where he saw Icebug. *

Ice Noir: There she is. And who's that man? It can't be, right?

Master Fu: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, choose an ally you can trust because with great power it must be used for the greater good. Once the mission is done, you will return the miraculous.

Ice Noir: 'She's not picking who I think she's picking.'

Icebug: I need the perfect one for this mission. *She looked and she found the snake miraculous. * Like this one! *She picks it up. *

Master Fu: Do you have someone in mind, Marinette?

Icebug: Yes I do.

Master Fu: And since you have the ice element, give your ally this. *He handed her a light blue marshmallow treat for ice powers. *

Icebug: Thanks, Master.

Ice Noir: 'No!' *Outside, Icebug skated to the park and Cat Noir skated after her. * Milady!

Icebug: Ice Noir? What are you doing? You're supposed to keep Ice Queen busy.

Ice Noir: She got away. I see you're getting a new ally to team up with, right?

Icebug: Why do you wanna know that?

Ice Noir: I'm just curious, that's all. 'So I can keep him away from you, Marinette.'

Icebug: Well if I tell you who it is, it's not right to know people's identities

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Icebug: Well if I tell you who it is, it's not right to know people's identities. You know that.

Ice Noir: I know, but... *They both stopped. *

Icebug: Look. I need to do this alone. Keyword: Alone! Fight off Ice Queen until I come back with help. *She skated away, Cat Noir scowled and he skated to Ice Queen. *

At the park, Ladybug stopped and she looked around too.

Icebug: Luka? Where are you?

Luka: Ladybug, over here! *She skated towards him behind a tree.*

Icebug: I need your help with something important.

Luka: Of course. What's up?

Icebug: Luka Couffaine, this is the miraculous of the snake, which grants the power of second chance. You will use it for the greater good. *He held the box. * Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous back to me. Can I trust you?

Luka: Yes, Ladybug

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Luka: Yes, Ladybug. *He opened it up and a bright turquoise light came, he shielded his eyes and revealed them and he saw a floating snake Kwami. *

Sass: Greetings, my name is Sass and I am your Kwami

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Sass: Greetings, my name is Sass and I am your Kwami.

Luka: Cool. *He put on the Ouroboros bracelet. *

Sass: I give you the power of second chance. You see, whenever there's someone in danger or needs help and damage occurs, turn the head back and say, Second Chance.

Luka: Okay.

Sass: And all you have to say is "Sass, Scales Slither!"

Icebug: But first, use this. It'll give you ice powers. *She lent him a light blue marshmallow. *

Luka: Okay

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Luka: Okay. Sass, power up! *He threw it up in the air, Sass ate, and he transformed. *

Sass: Snow Sass!

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Sass: Snow Sass!

Luka: Snow Sass, Scales Slither! *He transforms into Ice Viperion. *

Icebug: Great. Let's go. *She grabs his hand and they both skate on the ice. *

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