Chapter 6: Meet My Sandal !!

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"Aaaahhhhh!" Aria let a low scream when she missed a step and was about to fall. And before her slender body would make a harsh contact with the ground accompanied by a 'thud' sound, a pair of strong arms caught her like a god sent saviour.

Yes, you read that right! She was in the arms of a man who made right in time to save her from the fall. Out of the basic human instinct she had automatically shut off her eyes tightly expecting the fall and its impact on her delicate body but when she landed in the arms of this stranger, all she felt like was; she was floating in heaven. There she was; with her eyes tightly shut and her plum lips twitched a little; her hair tousled such that her cute little nose hid behind those hair strands; she looked no less than an angel. Well, she did look like an angel to 'his' eyes and only one word left his mouth.


His husky honey voice filled her ears resulting her to shot open her eyes immediately out of curiosity to know; 'whom did that divine voice belong to'? Completely forgetting why or how she actually landed in his arms instead of the ground she kept staring at him. His glassy blue eyes, his soft curly hair, his fair complexion, his light stubble, all in all his well-crafted face caught her attention so badly that she was totally awestruck. Yes she was! And who wouldn't be? Especially when you are meeting your role model first time in real life. Yes, Christopher Neil Brentt; CEO of Brentt Industries; an extremely hard working man was Aria's role model. She was totally smitten by his life story and always wished to meet him in person. And today she was with him rather, in his arms to be specific. The realization made her heart to beat at a faster rate and she didn't know why she couldn't control it. She would have continued staring at him for hours and hours if he hadn't spoken.

"Mesmerizing" Christopher's husky tone gave her another compliment making her believe that yes, she wasn't dreaming. It was real, her role model was actually 0talking to her. Not only that, he saved her from the fall. Yes, her brain decided to finally remind her that she was about to fall and was saved by this handsome man.

"Thank you." Aria said in a slow soft tone which made his heart flutter but then, he chose to ignore it. Because he was crazy about the girl, Hunter's ex-wife; Ryan often talked about.

"Thank you for what? For calling you beautiful or mesmerizing?" Christopher asked with a slight tinge of tease in his tone making Aria look at him with wide eyes. He didn't know why he was even flirting with her but he could not stop it. Though he was a hardworking man, he was still a man who was well acquainted with the term 'flirting'. Not only he was a highly skilled man, he was also someone who knew how and when to put his skills in use.

"For 'saving' me!" Aria mentioned laying a slight stress on the word saving. She could catch the flirting tone and her instincts hinted her that it was a healthy one. So, she didn't worry much about it. Well, she is a smart and tough girl. Isn't she?

"What?" Christopher was happy that this girl was not falling for his charms which was very unusual but he liked it.

"Yes, I am thanking you for saving me from the fall; you know the stairs! And I think I am good to stand now." Aria said in an obvious tone while hinting Christopher with her eyes; about how he was still holding her.

"Well in that case you're welcome and here you go." Christopher said while placing her back on her feet. This time his voice didn't lace of any tease or flirting which Aria was grateful for. She felt good when he understood the hint and acted accordingly.

"Are you sure you are good?" He asked in a concerned tone which made Aria reply with a smile on her face "Yes, I am good!"

"No twisted ankles?" He asked again and a few creases were seen on his forehead and she could feel a slight glow in her heart which she chose to ignore and replied with the same smile on her face "No. I am good!"

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