Three Digit Ride| Part One

Start from the beginning

Her eyes ran over the girl from head to heels and then back up, taking her sweet time as she let herself enjoy the curves of the girl's exposed legs. The smile from back inside the diner curled her lips again as she felt her body's appreciation for the curves poorly hidden by the dowdy clothes - excepting that sinfully short skirt of course. "Hey there," she purred, taking a long drag and letting it out slowly. "What can I do for you?"

"My name's Camila," she began, her eyes tracing their own path over the woman's body, lingering slightly at waist level, only to be cut off by a soft snort.

"No kidding." Her eyes lingered slightly on the curve of her breasts swelling out the odious owl sweater before coming up to meet her brown eyes with a smile. "I've been told to stay away from you, little Miss Mayor's Daughter."

Camila groaned softly. "Let me guess. Flo? She's Austin's grandmother and he's awfully sweet and all, but I'm not staying in this backwater little town as his girlfriend forever."

The woman chuckled, a low rich sound that sent shivers up and down Camila's spine. "Good to know." She stubbed the butt of her cigarette out on the wall and dropped it into the metal bucket she'd been standing beside before offering her hand. "The name's Jauregui. Lauren Jauregui. I drive that sexy beast over there," she added, hooking a thumb at the hot red Peterbilt 579 parked on the street alongside the diner.

"Wow. I'm impressed," Camila said, leaning against Lauren slightly to look at the truck. She glanced up at her through thick lashes. "Think you could give me a tour? I've never been in a truck that," she licked her lips slightly, "big."

Lauren chuckled low in her throat at the look in Camila's eyes. She knew that look. She'd seen it from a hundred women in a hundred different towns and it never got old. "Oh, I think that could be arranged. You want that tour now?"

Camila smiled up at her, pressing her body along Lauren's. "I would love that tour now," she all but purred, sliding a finger along the line of Lauren's jeans.

"Well, who am I to keep a pretty girl waiting?" she teased, pushing off the wall and catching Camila's hand to lead her to the truck. "How old are you anyway?" she asked, helping her up into the cab.

Camila glanced back over her shoulder at her with a telling smirk. "Suddenly worried you're being propositioned by a minor, Ms Jauregui? Well, don't be. I'm seventeen and I turn eighteen in a few more months. I just graduated two weeks ago," she added, pulling herself up into the cab.

"Damn I like a woman who knows what she wants," Lauren murmured with a chuckle, hauling herself up into the sleeper of her rig in one smooth movement, pulling the door closed behind her.

She'd barely got the door closed before Camila was on her knees, tugging her belt open. Lauren looked down at her with aroused surprise as she was pushed back to sit on the bed. "Damn, girl..."

"I've always believed in going for what I want directly," Camila said matter of factly as she got Lauren's belt undone and popped the button of her jeans open. Her eyes were firmly fixed on the growing bulge tenting the tight white briefs as she yanked her jeans down. "Oh, you are definitely the sort of woman I'd hoped for," she whispered, her movements growing almost shy.

Lauren raised a brow as she leaned back, letting Camila take the lead. "See something you like?"

"Something I definitely like," she whispered as she pulled down Lauren's briefs with slightly trembling hands, allowing her six inch cock to spring free. "Oh my goodness, you're huge!"

Lauren's brows raised in surprise as she looked down at her cock standing proud over her tight balls with their carefully trimmed black curls. "Huge?" She laughed incredulously, knowing damn well she was average. "Seriously?"

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