"Well because okay, this is my secret that only Lynn and a couple other people know, but I actually got turned into a vampire a couple days ago."

Helena blinked, confused.

"A vampire? Like a vampire diaries vampire?" I tried to explain. I bit into my wrist and we all watched as the bite marks quickly vanished.

Helena sat down at the table. "How? Did it hurt?"

"I met a vampire at a bar and he fed me his blood and I ended up turning. It was my choice because I wanted to be one and I like my choice. But now we're in a predicament. There's this town full of vampires and everything was peaceful but now this group of witches wants to make the town not invisible anymore and have humans found out we exist." I stopped to take a breath. "We need a witch to fight against them."

"And why would you think I'm a witch?" She asked.

"Because we creeped on this witch we knew and she had these diaries that said she had a great granddaughter named Helena Cecilia who she gave away when she was a baby." Lynn jumped in.

Helena took a deep breath. "Okay well I have been noticing some weird stuff but I thought they were just coincidences."

I frowned. "Like what?"

"Like when I'm annoyed, the lights will flicker or when I forget something, it'll appear right in front of me."

Lynn and I exchanged a look. Those were things witches were known to do, on a mild basis.

"You should ask your parents if you were adopted." Lynn said. "Just to make sure."

She nodded. "Yeah I guess so. If only I could find my phone." Her phone appeared on the table in front of and my eyes widened. Yeah that was definitely not normal.

"Here you go" I handed it to her.

She grabbed it and speed dialed her mom.

Lynn and I sat there awkwardly. She wouldn't be able to listen in on it but my ears made eavesdropping inevitable.

The line rang and her mom picked up.

"Helena! Is everything okay?"

"Yeah mom! I actually had a quick question. Am I adopted?"

There was a long pause. Not surprising considering that's not something you ask someone over the phone.

"Can we talk about this when your father and I get back home?"

"So it's true. I am right?"

"Well yes but I'd like to explain it to you. This is not something we should be talking about over the phone."

"Okay." Helena seemed a little upset and betrayed. She hung up and sat there quietly.

"What happened?" Lynn asked.

"I-I'm adopted." She replied softly.

Well this was awkward. They didn't teach you how to deal with a situation like this in high school, or college, or medical school. Geez what was the point of education if it didn't teach you the important stuff?

Helena snapped out of it and looked up at us. "Okay so how can I help?"

"Well I'm assuming you don't know how to use your powers." Lynn responded.

Helena nodded.

I sighed. "Well that's alright. Sandra had a ton of books in her cabin. We could take you with us there and hopefully you could learn from those. Only thing is we have what, like 4 days, 3 if you count today ending, to stop them." I looked outside and realized it had started to get dark now. "Crap Lynn are you hungry? It's like dinnertime now right? Sorry human hunger doesn't really apply to me anymore so you gotta let me know when it's time to eat."

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