Chapter Eleven

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We pulled up into Helena's driveway and sat there for a couple seconds. "Man I really wish my phone wasn't dead and you didn't lose yours. I think giving her a heads up that we were on our way would've been a good idea."

"Yeahh we really didn't think this through. We don't even know if she's home."

Well it was too late now. We were here and we had to go in. Plus I'm sure she'd be here. Last I knew of her, she'd been teaching music lessons to kids at her house because she had a piano. She also published a book or two every year. Creative writing was her major and it did her good.

We got out of the car and walked up to her door, nerves attacking both of us. I rang the bell and we waited patiently. I heard someone coming to the door and it opened, revealing our long lost friend Helena.

Helena, Lynn, and I were best friends back in high school. Not that we're not friends now. We're still really good friends now but back then we were practically inseparable which is why it's so weird that we don't know that she's a witch. Well she could very possibly not be a witch but if she was, it's not something she would hide from us.

"Helena" I greeted.

"Lynn! Aria! I haven't seen you guys in forever!" She had a pencil sticking out from behind her hair. It was tucked over her ear and she had some fuzzies in her tangled up brown hair. Of course she forgot to brush her hair. She always forgot to do the essential things like eat, sleep, drink, and shower whenever she was focused on something important. Once that girl set her mind to something there was rarely a chance of changing it.

"What new project are you working on now?" I asked pointing to the pencil. Lynn started plucking the fuzzies out of Helena's hair.

"A book actually. The final one of my fantasy series. Nanowrimo's coming up so I'm preparing for it. Hopefully I can go back and edit this and get it out. My publisher's growing impatient."

"That's awesome man. I'm so glad your book series worked out."

Lynn cleared her throat. She was gonna make me drop the bomb.

"Are you here alone?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah my parents are up at our resort and I don't have any students for the rest of the day. Come on in, I'll show the new cover I came up with."

Thank God she invited us in. Lynn and I followed her in the house, the familiar looks and smells bringing old memories of parties and sleepovers back to us. We sat down at her dining table and she pulled out a piece of paper from a drawer. It had a sketch of a lion on it with some other animals in the background.

"It looks really good." Lynn commented.

"Thanks. I gotta get it colored in soon. Working with a publishing company is so much harder than I thought'd be."

I nodded. "I can imagine with all those deadlines and requirements."

Helena pulled the pencil out and started shading something in on her paper.

I cleared my throat. "Hey so we actually came here to ask you something."

"Yeah?" She asked while shading in her drawing.

"Bare with us because it is going to sound really weird but are you possibly a witch?"

Helena stopped shading and looked up at us. "A witch?"

"Yeah like someone with magical powers." I explained.

"Why would you ask that?" She asked laughing. So she didn't say no which means either she's too amused with the idea or she knows something.

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