He shook his head completely blanking on what I was saying.

"Yeah nevermind. Aria would've gotten it." A couple more seconds of silence passed and I decided to suck it up and just ask him about the elephant in the room. Or elephants I should say cause I had a lot of questions. "So um, are you single?" Jesus Lynn you don't just ask people if they're single. Fuck. Whatever I said it. Now all I can do is just go through with it.

He looked amused but answered anyway. "Yes I am. I have been for a while now actually."

"Why's that? If you don't mind me asking."

His eyes started darkening like the vampires on the vampire diaries did when they had some sort of weird temptation. He quickly looked away so I couldn't see. "My previous girlfriend passed away. I never found anyone I had a liking for after her."

"Oh." I replied quietly.

"Until today." He added looking back at me. His hazel eyes stared into mine and for a second a bad thought crossed mine.

What if he was going to compel me to have sex with him? Would I be mad? At this point I don't think I really even care. He's attractive as hell and I need a good lay to get over Chad. I'm so fucking stressed and yeah I did tell Aria I was over him but that was to make her not feel bad. I wasn't lying, I am sorta over him but he's still in my mind. I can't forget about those nights we spent together in Europe and the different places we saw. Okay snap out of it. You have a hot man in your bed wanting to be with you and you're going to throw him away just for some thought of a guy who left you. I did the only dumb thing my body could think of doing. I leaned forward and kissed him.

His lips were soft but firm, molding perfectly with mine and sending shivers down my body to the tips of my toes. It was the kind of kiss that captivated you and it wasn't even him who initiated it. He pulled back from the kiss and took a stray hair of mine that had escaped my towel, tucking it behind my ear. "Lynn I find you beautiful and charming. I don't want this to escalate any further unless you want it to. I realize you are going through a hard time right now and I am willing to wait as long as I need to until you feel like you're ready."

"I am ready." I breathed, staring back at him. Just kiss me again dammit! That first kiss was better than anything Chad and I had ever done. With Chad it just felt mechanical but with Damien it felt right. It felt like I had been living life riding a bike with the wrong size wheels. They worked but they weren't the right fit until Damien came along and made everything fit into place. I wanted more, I needed more.

Damien cupped my cheek with his hand and brought my face closer to his. He pressed his lips against mine gently, letting the connection between us grow. His tongue circled my lips and I opened them gladly, letting him come in and taste me. He tasted hot and sweet and delicious. We kept making out for a bit until he reached up and let the towel off my hair, dropping it to the floor. My short hair unraveled in waves and he ran his hair through it, enjoying having something to play with. I explored his chest and started to unbutton his shirt. I felt his pecs and abs underneath the shirt and moaned. There was nothing more attractive than a man who knew how to stay fit. I pushed the shirt off him, running my hands over his muscles. He moved his lips from mine to my cheek, peppering kisses across my face. They tickled at first until he moved to my neck where he started deepening the kisses, allowing him to suck on my skin gently, causing me to moan in pleasure. He moved to a spot right below my ear that made me gasp in surprise. I curled my toes, his sucking causing me so much pleasure I couldn't handle it. He knew I was at my point so he stopped, landing another kiss on my lips before stopping to give me a couple seconds to breathe. Damn Chad had never been able to make me feel like that and we hadn't even gotten to the good stuff. His hands began to explore my body as he gently slipped my robe off, peppering kisses across my shoulder. Normally I would've gotten self conscious of him seeing me naked considering I just met him this morning but something about him made me feel comfortable and safe. And I was already too hot and bothered to even care at this point. I couldn't wait until he was inside me.

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