
209 15 3

Prompt: inspiration

Brett unlocked the door.

He totally needed to sleep now; he had been awake for at least 40 hours because he just couldn’t settle down during the flight; he had too many thoughts running through his mind.

He thought about the night with Tom and about Eddy and the conversation they would have to have.

He tried to figure out what Eddy’s reaction would be like but he had absolutely no clue. The talk could go in so many different directions: Eddy being furious, leaving him forever; Eddy being okay although he doesn’t love him and they could still be friends; Eddy wildly kissing him and they both end up in one of their beds.

He wouldn’t know the true reaction until he would talk to him.

He kicked off his shoes and put off his jacket and headed to his bedroom.

Something felt weird, however he couldn’t describe what and why.

He really needed sleep.

Brett hoped that he could easily fall asleep tonight although he didn’t expect it to be that way.
It wasn’t important how long he had been awake; he could never sleep right away. He didn’t know the reason for it, and that was why he didn’t know how to fight his insomnia. He had literally tried everything – but nothing helped.

He drank tea before he went to bed, he took a hot bath and he ran through half of the town to get exhausted – nothing facilitated him to sleep.

He opened the door of his bedroom – and there was Eddy, lying in his bed. His shoes were standing next to his night stand and he seemed to sleep.

What the –
Why is Eddy lying in my bed??

Brett tried to understand what was happening at the moment. He didn’t really get it.

He looked at Eddy who was still completely dressed. He wore black socks, trousers, a grey jumper and a same-coloured jacket over it – the usual Chinese clothing.
He let his gaze drift upwards to his head.

His friends face wasn’t peaceful as it normally is while people are slumbering. His face showed pain and loneliness. You could see that he cried himself to sleep.

Brett’s heart broke as he saw him.

How could he have thought that Eddy would reject him? He had been there for him his whole life and would ever be – he realized that his words were true as he looked down to his vulnerable friend.

He came here for whatever reason; however, Brett knew for sure that his best mate came here to see him. Eddy still wanted to be at least friends with Brett.

But how did he get in?
Did Eddy – broke in or something?
He surely locked his apartment before he left. However, there weren’t any broken windows and the door didn't have any scratches.

But maybe he had mentioned his extra key under the flower pot sometime?
He couldn’t remember that he did so and this was the reason for the second key – his bad memory.

He was always forgetting things that didn’t seem to be important to him, regardless if they were actually essential or not. And sometimes, a locked door wasn’t his biggest problem; to be honest – it rarely was.

Instead, he kept in mind other things he thought might be significant so much the better.
Like the conversation with his colleague which had occurred 3 to 4 years ago – and he could still quote each phrase verbatim.

And there were lots of moments he shared with Eddy he still knew by heart; he could picture the scenes crystal-clear when he shut his eyes close.

And this exact moment, Eddy sleeping in his bed while he was standing next to him, starring at his best friend confusedly, Brett already knew it, would be one of those never forgotten moments, too.

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